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River let out a sigh as she got all her cats outside. Sage and her group hadn't returned yet and it worried her. Were they...dead? She dug her claws into the ground and bared her teeth. She also noticed Hawk's disappearance. She but her tongue. It was her fault the fire started. If she kept her guard up...

"River, you need to calm down. You're gonna break your claws. We need to evacuate before humans come to stop the fire." Thomas said trying to distract her from indirectly hurting herself.

"You're right. Let's move. But...where do we go..."

Thomas remained silent. He tried to think of something. A voice stopped them both. A dog approached the two.

"You need a place to stay correct?" The dog said.

"Who are you!?" Thomas yelled.

"Easy there. Don't wanna fight me do you? I'm twice your size."

The husky was a brown color with hypnotic green eyes. He went by the name of Blood to keep his identity a secret. He suggested a large cave in the forest. 

"Why should we trust you?" Thomas remarked suspiciously.

"Why not? I have nothing against you, right?" Blood responded.

"He has a point Thomas. Plus we're in a tight space. However, what's in it for you?" River inquired.

"I had a feeling you would ask. I want your alliance with me to fight a war." Blood said calmly.

"What!?" Both cats exclaimed in unison.

"It will benefit us both, and be rid of a problem we both know."

"Which is?" River asked.




Sage jumped through the fire trying her hardest to not collapse. She lost Golden and Meadow right before her eyes. They had so much to live for and they were gone. Just like that. Her eyes clouded with tears and she hoped she was near the exit. 

Just then, she felt the intoxicating smoke leave her system. She looked around to see Thomas and River with a strange dog she couldn't recognize. She coughed up blood. She forgot about that. Two-Fang slashed her stomach open in an attempt to weaken her before they left. She touched her stomach. At this rate, she was good as dead. Two of Blood's dogs walked toward her and pinned her down on her back. They made quick work of trying to bandage her with a makeshift bandage. One gave her a herb to calm her senses. 

Blood smirked as Thomas and River stared wide eyed. The two dogs effectively healed her and showed their obvious skills. 

"See? We're skilled. We just need some leverage. That's you!" Blood smiled.

River gave Thomas a look. They needed this alliance. 

"We'll help."

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