A New Beginning And A Sweet Date

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    Yunlan was waiting for his turn to be interview in a prestigious  company for fashion. Since he lost his job in the company of Zhuiji.

   Meanwhile  Zhuiji was kidnapped  by few men. As they take off his blind fold.  He was shocked to see who is it. "I heard you touch one of our employees? Mr. Zhuiji!" The next thing he knew he was punch in the face many times  by the men of his boss. "YOUR FIRED MR. ZHUIJI! IF I HEARD YOU HARM ONE OF MY EMPLOYEES  AGAIN? YOUR LIFE WILL BE FINISHED!!!" He shout. And throw him in an empty alley.

   Yunlan call Da quing  to hear a great news he got a job in a fashion firm. But not yet a designer but one of the cutter and sewers. When he was about to come out of the building  he met Shen Wei. "Xiao Wei! How do you know I'm here?"

   Shen Wei  blushed  a little making him look the old Shen Wei  back then. "I didn't know your here? What a coincidence?" He walk near Yunlan. Yunlan eagerly invite him to eat lunch with him to celebrate for getting a job. Forgetting  Da quing  is on the line as he hang him. "That friend of mine! Yaaaaaaaaah! Why did you close your phone?!"

    In a minute they're  at a prestigious  restaurant.  Yunlan swallowed  hard, "Why did Shen Wei  choose this kind of restaurant?" He said to himself  as he look at his  wallet his money almost gone and a moth fly out of it.
Shen Wei  want to laugh at it but remain silent.

   "Xiao.....Wei....ah do you want?" Suddenly  a waiter cut them off. "What will you be ordering sir?" Shen Wei  read the menu and order every expensive foods in it. Almost making Yunlan widen his eyes. "Ah Lan! How about you? What will your order be?" He ask. "Water! Could you give me water?!" Both Shen Wei and the waiter look shocked at what  his order.

   In a minute, Shen Wei  can't  eat because Yunlan is only drinking water while sweating. He was startled when Shen Wei  spoon feed him the food. "Mmmmh.....it taste good!" Shen Wei  arched  his brow, "Then why are you not ordering?" Yunlan scratch  his head, "The foods here are so expensive  and I still have no money! Sorry...." Yunlan was so red in embarrassment. Shen Wei  laugh, "Don't  worry! This one is on me! So you can order anything you like!"

    "Really?!" He called the waiter again and order the food he like. "Don't  worry! After this I'm gonna treat you to my favorite dessert!"

   After an hour, Yunlan and Shen Wei  ride a bus and went to his favorite park where many food stands are selling exotic food. He bought two balut( fertilized duck egg) in a Filipino food stand. As he crack the tip of the balut and sprinkled it with salt. First Shen Wei can't  eat it seeing a develop duckling inside of it. He almost vomit.

   "It's  delicious!" Yunlan demonstrate it as he eat it all as well its soup. Shen Wei  tried it seeing Yunlan like it. Yunlan took the sisiw (duckling) inside of it so Shen Wei  can it the yellow embryo of it. "Delicious! I never taste something  like this?" He order Yunlan two more. As Yunlan eat the  duckling, Shen Wei  happily ate the yellow embryo.

   Yunlan smile seeing Shen Wei  eat like a child. He wipe a piece of food on the side of the mouth with his hand and ate it. Shen Wei  went red and blushed  on what Yunlan did. They look like a married  couple  eating with each other. As Yunlan handed him a soft drinks to drink. "Do you always eat here?" He ask.

   "Yes! It's  delicious! And much cheaper!" As he handed him a minnie ice creams with cones and different  flavors in it. It was place in five holes of the carton whose shape like  a hand. "This cute!" Said Shen Wei.  "Not as cute as you!" Yunlan whispered  to himself  while his happily  treating Shen Wei  some dessert.

   When they finished  both sit a wooden bench under a big tree and look at the peaceful scenery. "Ah! This is life!" While Yunlan smell the cool breeze. He didn't  notice  Shen Wei  gazing at him intensely.  You may say his plump lips that he wanted to kiss. Shen Wei  suddenly  got an idea.

   "Ah Lan!" Yunlan was startled as he open his cute brown eyes  and turned to look at Shen Wei.  He was surprised  Shen Wei  suddenly  kiss him. Making Yunlan widen his eyes. As he see fireworks dancing around them. Shen Wei  smile, "Can we have another date?" He request. Yunlan just nod while Shen Wei  thank him.

   When night came, Da quing  was furious looking like a wife waiting for his husband  to come home. But he was shocked  to see a nice car park infront of their run down apartment.  Shen Wei  get out of his car and open the door for Yunlan. Who giggle on how sweet Shen Wei  is. He kiss him goodbye  before he got to his car and left.

   Yunlan was in cloud nine when Da quing  tackled  him on his neck. "You ungrateful  friend! You hang me on your phone and treat Shen Wei  for lunch and dinner! You already forgotten me!!!"

   Yunlan break his hold and apologize,  "I didn't  know what  happened?! I got block out when I saw Shen Wei! Friend forgive me! My first payment I will treat you to a nice dinner I promise!" First Da quing  is quite angry but his face suddenly  change.

   "Huh? Really? Then tell me first what happened  to the two of you! All details okay!" As he wink. Yunlan sweat.

   Shen Wei  on the other hand got a call, "Sir! It is finished! I got him fired! A new manager will be coming to the company!" Said the man in the other line. "Officer Ou Yang! I want you to do something  for me!" He said. "What is it sir?" He ask. "Get Zhao Yunlan back to the company pronto! And made him the head designer!" Officer Ou Yang want to protest,  "Your didi is the head designer wouldn't  he be angry?" Shen Wei  smirk, "Don't  worry  I will deal with him! Just do what I told you!" As he cut off the call.

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