Choose Wisely

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    Yunlan was in dilemma  in choosing his alive mother and siblings against his father.

   Well his family have different  point of view and kick out Shen Wei,  Xin ci and Da quing out of the house. "Gege! Why did you do that?!" Yunlan want to run after them but the few body guards hold him.

   "Don't  worry didi I know what you feel! Father brainwashed  you as well as Shen Wei! I promise I'll give you everything  that you want and forget them!" Yunly hold his son as he cried. "Please! My father! Xiao Wei  and Da quing! I want them back!" Yunly comfort his son. "Hush! My child we are your family now! We will make you happy  I promise!"

  Hei Qi  just roll his eyes while his grandmother have an idea.  "Don't  worry child I will straighten  you up! And you will be a better person! And you will forget about that Shen Wei  person!" Hei Qi  smile hearing that. "Tsu^ma^ I will help him! I have many beautiful  friends than Shen Wei!" Bai Qi  look worried on that. While Richard smile seeing his wife happy having his lost son back.

   Outside Xin ci shout in anger for kicking them out. "GIVE ME BACK MY SON YOU MONSTERS!!!" The guards of the Qi Family won't  let them in. "Don't  worry  shushu we will get Yunlan back by hook or by crook!" Said Shen Wei.  "But how they're  rich with body guards! And were not!" Da quing said. "I am! And a Shen won't  give up until he got his man!"

   In a minute Shen Wei  and the other went to his father for help. Xin ci was shocked in seeing whose Shen Wei's  father. It was his former lover and the reason why his family have broken up. "YOU?! YOUR A SHEN?!!!" Mr. Shen smirk, "What do we have here?" Shen Wei  and Da quing  look puzzle at one another.

   "Do you know what you done! Because  of you! I gone hidding with my son! So Yunly's mother won't take Yunlan away from me!!!"
Weiyez chuckled. "Oh....that's  why I can't  find you? But what are you doing here?!" Shen Wei  cut their reunion, "Dad! We need your help! Yunlan  my lover is taken away by his grandmother! And we can't  get near him!"

   Weiyez arch his brow, "You mean you need my help?" He teasingly look at Xin ci who avert his look at him. "So Xin ci?! Do you  need my help?" His fingers suddenly  caress Xin ci's arm. Xin ci retrieve  his arm back in discuss, "I won't  grovel to you! I despise you!!! You left me then you married another and want me again!!!"

   Mr. Shen explain it was his parent's  wish he can't  defy them. But when his wife died he quickly tried to  find him only to known his married with 3 kids. But luck is on his shoulder when he find out the mother of Xin ci's wife hated gays and command his daughter to divorce him. But he got too late when Xin ci run away with his third child, never to be seen again until now.

   Shen Wei  and Da quing  sweat seeing Weiyez quickly embrace the struggling Xin ci. "I will help you know that? But theirs a price! You!" Xin ci shoved him. "I'm sorry Mr. Shen I won't  need your help!" As he stormed out away. Weiyez chuckled, "Still the stubborn  Xin ci! But you will fall back into my hands you see!"

   Mr. Shen was surprised  as his son tug his suit, "Does it mean you will help us get Yunlan back?!" His father chuckled, "Why yes! But you will also help me get Xin ci!" That pop Da quing's  eyes as Shen Wei  said, "DEAL!!!"

   As they walk to the hall, "Are you crazy?! You sell out your father in law to be?! He will have our neck for dealing with your father!" Da quing  is  really got worried now. "I will get Yunlan no matter what?! So father in law I'm sorry in selling you out!" Said Shen Wei  to Da quing.  "Don't  tell me that! Tell it to him!" As he pointed to Xin ci whose waiting outside. "Promise me Da quing  you won't  tell!" Shen Wei  dangerously  gaze at him making Da quing  swallowed  hard as he nod.

   Meanwhile Yunlan have fallen asleep in his mother's  embrace.  "Sweety! Can I accompany my son for awhile? I miss him so much." Richard nod. "Anything you say Honey!" While caressing Yunlan's  face. "He looks quite innocent  than Hei Qi!" As he chuckled.

   Outside Bai Qi  warn Hei  Qi  not to harm Lan lan!" Hei Qi  promise but cross  his fingers at the back. "He will really be okay! An Bai and An So will really like him!" He told to himself  as he smirk.

   The next day Yunlan was summoned by the office  to do his work. Bai Qi  tried to reason to pay for his release in the company so Yunlan could  be with them. But Mr. Shen won't  let it. "We are partners here why won't  you  let it slip?" Mr. Shen chuckled  because you insulted my son as you know his lover is your didi. Why won't you let them be?"

   Bai Qi  pound his fist, "You know Shen Wei  is the former boyfriend  of Hei  Qi I won't  allow Shen Wei  to hook two of my didi! That's  enough!" While the two are arguing
Yunlan and Hei Qi was outside waiting for their gege when Shen Wei  came.

   "Xiao Wei!" He want to run to him but Hei Qi  block him. "Shoo! Shen Wei! My Lan lan di  is not ment for you!" Shen Wei  frown, "What do you mean?" He ask. "My gege is here negotiating  to your father to let go of Yunlan from his contract! So he can be with his real family!"

  But Shen Wei  pulled Yunlan to him, "Still negotiating? It means Yunlan is still my employee! His still belong in this company and I'm his boss! It means  he will be working now." Hei Qi  about to stop him when Shen Wei's  men block him. "Sorry to tell you! Your in my territory!" As he took Yunlan to the elevator and left.

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