He Belong To Us

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    Xin ci about to touch Bai Qi's face but the latter turned back his face and look around.

    "Could you leave Yunlan for awhile? I want to talk to him alone!" Xin ci ask his son. "No! My didi should hear this for himself  as well! All this time you told him his all alone in this world?! You didn't  tell him he have a siblings! Us?!"

   Xin ci wanted to tell something but he can't.  "Dad! Tell me it's  not true I have brothers and my mother is still alive!" Yunlan shoke his Dad. "I'm sorry son! It's  true! I lied to you!" He was about to tell more when Bai Qi  stop. "I'll be taking my didi back! And will give the things he deserve!" Xin ci widen his eyes.

   "No! His my son!" He hold Yunlan's  arm. But Bai Qi  break his hold and pulled his brother. "Not anymore  father! You denied my didi everything he should  have!" Xin ci tried to reach for them. But Bai Qi  have already dragged  Yunlan to the car and speed away.

   "How can you do that to Dad! His your  father too!" Yunlan cried. "Don't  you know how many years he took you away from us! Mother almost went insane in trying to find you!"

   Meanwhile  Shen Wei  and Da quing came too late as he miss his Ah Lan  again. "This is all my fault! If I didn't  kidnapped him from his true family non of this happened! He will hate me now!" Da quing  comfort his Shushu Xin ci.

   "Tell me the truth sir! Why did you kidnapped  your own son?!" Ask Shen Wei.

The Past

    Xin ci  and Yunly  were bestfriend. Xin ci back then were broken hearted  because his lover left him and married someone else. Yunly  got an idea to make his friend happy to marry each other.

   Xin ci is not sure of it. But Yunly promise she would stay loyal at him and would love him forever. A few months after they married. Xin ci lover came back and want to continue their relationship. 

   But he turned him down because he have a wife now and pregnant.  Still his lover won't  give up until he came back to him. Back then Yunly's mother came. Xin ci was surprised  that Yunly came from a rich family. The mother of Yunly didn't like Xin ci not because his poor but because his gay.

   When Yunly bore her triplets. Her mother want to pay off Xin ci to divorce her daughter.  But Xin ci didn't  do it that led the mother to force Yunly to take her away with his three sons. Luckily Xin ci got his little Lan lan and escape from the clutches of his  mother in law as they gone to a province that she will never see them again..... until now.

End Of Past

     "I thought  my nightmare won't  followed us in Dragon City? But it did! Now they took the last thing that made my life happy!"  Cried Xin ci. "Shushu! Don't  worry I'll give you back Yunlan! You'll see!" As Shen Wei  ride his car and drove away.

    Meanwhile  Yunlan was introduce by Bai Qi  to Hei Qi.  Hei Qi  was furious  on why in all the world his lost didi is Yunlan. "Didi! Be good to Lan lan! Remember  his our dear lost didi! Understand?" Hei Qi  murmured  but nod in reply. As he was lead by Bai Qi  to his new huge room.

   "Look didi! Don't be sad on what happened.  Tomorrow  mother will be here and remembered  your starting your new life and forget about  that painful past! I promise that  I 'll take care of you! Your gege Hei and I will always support you!"

   Yunlan suddenly  hugged  him, "I can't  believe  I have a siblings! And my mother is alive!" Bai Qi  smile at hi and shuffled his hair. When suddenly,  "Who brought that fag here?!!!" Shout an old lady with a wheel chair. "Tzu^ mu^!(grandmother) Behave! His my lost didi Lan lan!"

   Yunlan look puzzled  on who is the old lady?  "She 's our grandmother Fei! Lan lan come and greet her!" But old  Fei have a harbored against gay. And by looking at the outfit of Yunlan it scream what she see.  Yunlan on the other hand about to hold her hand when she slapped  it. "I won't be shaking a fag's hand!"  As she called her nurse and wheeled her to leave.

   "Yunlan sorry about that! Tzu^mu^ is a grouchy one!" Bai Qi  tried to make him understand.  But deep inside Yunlan's  heart he wants to go home back into his loving father's  arms.

   Meanwhile  when Shen Wei  came , Hei Qi  welcome him in open arms. But he ignored him and wants Yunlan back. "You  mean you just came here for my dear, fake lost brother?! And not for me?! I'm hurt! What does he have that I don't?!"

   Suddenly  his grandmother  came, "Shen Wei?! What's  his doing  here Hei?! Didn't  I told you his not welcome  here eventhough his your fiance!" Hei Qi roll his eyes. "Zu mu! Why can't  you see everything  change in our world! As long as you have money!" Hei smirk. Still she murmered hatered on them. "Aunty! I'm not here for Hei Qi! I'm here for Yunlun!" Said Shen Wei.

   "I've told you I won't  give you any of my didis!" Shout Bai Qi  upstairs. And beside him Yunlan looking at him with teary eyes. "Ah Lan!" He came running toward him. But Bai Qi  block him. "What are you doing?!" Shen Wei  angrily look at Bai Qi.  "Such hatred what I see?! I should be the one to get angry at you for playing with my two brother's feeling!"

   But Shen Wei  look at his Ah Lan,  "Come back to me and to your father Ah Lan!" Pleaded Shen Wei.  Yunlan tried not to look at him. "Both of you lied to me! Leave now Xiao Wei!" Shen Wei  shook his head, "No I won't!" He suddenly   shoved Bai Qi  and took Yunlan's  hand.

   As he pulled him to him, they started to run toward the door. Yunlan was shocked on what's  happening. While Bai Qi  called security. Hei Qi  on the other hand was stunned  that Shen Wei  love Yunlan like that. When they got out of the house he quickly place Yunlan inside the car and speed away.

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