Where's My Boy

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    Xin ci got a call that Yunlan is in Shen's  company again. He hurriedly  went there just to see him.

   Meanwhile  Bai Qi  and Hei Qi was kick out in the company. Bai Qi  trying to find his didi when Hei Qi told him Shen Wei  have him. Bai Qi saw Yezun as he thought it was Shen Wei  and grabbed  his wrist. Yezun was shocked as he was wall by a strong force. "Where's  my didi you scoundrel! Isn't  Hei Qi  enough?! Then you took my Lan lan di!!!"

  Hei tried to stop him. "Pardon me?! I don't  know what your saying?! But if you like to take my number I can give it to you!" As Yezun wink. "You shamless man!" He shout at  him. He didn't  know it made Yezun turned  on at  him. "Gege! I told you his not Shen Wei! That's  Yezun his twin!" Said Hei Qi.

   That's  the only time he let go of Yezun, "But his still a Shen!" He gaze at him angrily and left with Hei Qi.  "Let's  just fetch Lan lan di after office hour!" Suggest  Hei Qi. Yezun smirk, "Not even  an apology? What a rude guy! But sexy one!"  As suck a lollipop  his eating and looking at the retreating  figure of an angry Bai Qi.  "Sweet!"

   Xin ci on the other hand was excited to see his son. The receptionist  lead him to a room where Yunlan is waiting. But his smile change when he saw whose waiting at him. He almost gone back out but the door was lock. "Going somewhere? After I save your son from a certain wicked mother in law?"

   Weiyez smirk and continue to walk toward the retreating Xin ci until he was walled. "Where's  my son?! Are you playing with me?! Shen Wei  told me his in here!" But Weiyez silent him with his finger. "Hush! My dear he is here with my son! So don't  worry he'll be fine! You can see him after we talk for a while? Just for old time sake?"

   And pour a drink for Xin ci and him. Xin ci drink it with one gulp. "Now where is he?" Xin ci didn't  notice Weiyez pour another drink and gave it to him. "Don't  rush I want to talk with you this whole day!"

   Shen Wei  and Yunlan on the other hand when the elevator close. Shen Wei  started  to hover over him. "Ah Lan! Did you miss me?" Yunlan became red, "Yes you know that! If I can only stop time just to be with you! I will do it!" As they started  to kiss one another and more. "Aaaaah  Xiao.....Wei....." They start kissing, rubbing and touching one another. Shen Wei  stop the elevator and start devouring  Yunlan. After an hours of love making. As they heard the elevator ring.

   They  start to straighten  themselves,  "Do you want to see your father his in my the meetings  room." That  made Yunlan smile as he hurriedly  gone  there just to catch them as in most embarrassing  scene. Mr. Shen is kissing his father whose moaning underneath  him.

   They both stop and  shout in shocked, "Why didn't  you two knock!" Ask Mr. Shen in annoyance while straightening  Xin ci clothes. Xin ci swat his hand and hurriedly  hugged  his son. "This is not what you thinking Yunlan!" But Yunlan frown smelling his father with alcohol and Mr. Shen cologne.

   "Yes Dad! But please not quite near you smelled!" Xin ci smelled  himself  and curse Weiyez  for making him drink. "Anyway let's  talk!" As he look  at Weiyez and Shen Wei. "Could you two please leave us for a while so we can talk privately!" Shen Wei  pulled his father whose unwilling  gone out.

   As they step out  Xin ci explain to Yunlan on why he run away with him back then. "I'm sorry son! Your the only one left that make me happy in this life! So please don't  leave me!" Yunlan hugged  his father, "Don't  worry  Dad! Me and Shen Wei  will find a way so my siblings  and mother would let me stay with you!"

    Xin ci ruffled his hair. "How's  your mother? Does that Richard is good to her and  you? Did he taken care of your mother?" Xin ci have many questions when  Yunlan ask him. "Do you still love my mother?" Xin ci chuckled. "If this dilemma  didn't  happened  I will stay loyal to her and be a good husband  and a good father to you and to your siblings!"

    But Yunlan is not satisfied with his answer, "Do you still love her?" He ask again. "Yunly is a good friend! I love her for that! But...." He was cut by Yunlan, "You love another? Mr. Shen I suppose?" Xin ci sigh, "Don't  tell him or he will be arrogant as before!" Both laugh.

   "What about you? What is your decision? Will you stay with your mother and your siblings? And leave me and Da quing?" His father ask. "That's  not my intention! I still want to live with you! But I want to know my mother and siblings as well. And my grandmother? Why she's very cold to people  like us? She told me she want to straighten  me up."

   That made Xin ci widen his eyes in anger, "WHAT?!!! THAT HAG!!! There's  nothing wrong with my child?! Why straightening  you up! I'm gonna give her a piece of my mind!!!" Yunlan tried to stop his father only to be stop by Mr. Shen. As he barge inside, Shen Wei  on the other hand trying to stop his father.

   "Don't  worry  my love I will fix it!" That made Xin ci and Yunlan frown. "Are you ears dropping  on us?" Shen Wei  apologize  but his father denied. "Where just passing by when we heard it!" Shen Wei  just roll his eyes on him.

   "Let me help you!" As he took Xin ci's hand. Xin ci went red and look at  his son. And cough as he retrieve back his hand. "Thank you Mr. Shen but we can handle this!"

    Yunlan ask, "Are you two in a relationship?" His father denied while Mr. Shen said yes. "Yunlan are you against it?" Mr. Shen ask. "No! If my father likes you there's  nothing for me to say." That shocked Xin ci while Shen Wei  smile on them.



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