I'm Not Giving Up

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    Mrs. Qi  can't  believe  his grandson let her off. But she smirk as she devise a plan that Yunlan surely will leave Shen Wei.

   When they come home Hei Qi  was surprise  as he saw Da quing  still in the house. He pulled him to a deserted hall, "What are you still doing here?!" He angrily  whispered  to him. "I got lost! It's not my fault your house  have many rooms!" When suddenly  they heard the grandmother of Yunlan planning to seperate Shen Wei  and Yunlan. "I got to get out of here to help them!" His batting his eyes on Hei Qi.  "No way I will help you!" Shout Hei Qi.

    Meanwhile  Yunlan discharge from the hospital. His father let Yunlan stay at Shen Wei's  mansion for a while for protection. In case Mrs. Qi  have a change of mind. Weiyez  trying to convince him to stay in their guest room so he can guard his son. Without any option he agree to his decision. Making Mr. Shen smirk.

   Shen Wei  never left Yunlan's  side whose sleeping on his lap. "Never have someone  capture my heart like this?" While running his fingers on his curly, brown hair. When suddenly  his phone ring. There will be an event in the company and his needed to attend. Hearing that Yunlan woke up.

   "You should go it's  very important. My father  is here to protect me! You can't  let your  business  be ruin." Shen Wei  was disagreeing. But  he have no choice as he needed there by the company. Because there is a very important  client want to talk to him. A very famous star and model that can make his company number one in their field.

  With heavy heart he left with his father. Xin ci came to his room to accompany  his son. "Are you alright  now?" He sit beside the bed, Yunlan look upon him, "Yes Dad! Shen Wei  is taking care of me." Xin ci hugged  his son. "He really love you! I can see that! Don't  let him get away." Yunlan smile. "Don't  worry  Dad I won't. "

   Meanwhile  at the event Shen Wei  talking to some important  people when the important  artist came, Sang Zan. Shen Wei  welcome him with open arms as they discuss important  event that will happen.

   Not far Cong Bo a reporter picture everything  what's  happening  to the party with hidden camera at his pocket. And the one his targeting  is the star Sang Zan. "Mrs. Qi told me there will be a big scoop in this event!" As he followed  Shen Wei  and Sang Zan to discuss the papers  he will sign.

   When Shen Wei  drink his wine he didn't notice  Sang Zan place something  on it that made him dizzy. First Sang Zan help him out. But he almost kiss him when Da quing  came barging in and punch Sang Zan. "That you didn't  see everyday?" Said Cong Bo as he click his phone and smirk.

   "WHO ARE YOU?!!!" Sang Zan shout. Shen Wei  whose trying to take off the dizziness  look up at Da quing.  "I know your plan mister! And to think I'm one of your avid fan! I'm disappointed  at you! Mrs. Qi paid you to drunk Shen Wei? Aren't  you?!" Hearing by the media the rukus all the reporters dash inside  the room to know what's  happening.

   Mr. Shen call for security  to stop them from entering and confront Sang Zan. The manager of Sang Zan tried to appease the angry Mr.  Shen. Seeing his son dizzy on Da quing's arm confirm that Sang Zan conive with Mrs. Qi.  Sang Zan became pale that his intention  was found out and plead to Mr. Shen for forgiveness.  As he told him the truth that Mrs. Qi is blackmailing  him if he didn't  do this. Mr. Shen gritted  his teeth in anger while he thank Da quing  for saving the day.

    Yunlan didn't  know what happened  to Shen Wei as he thought his in the office safe. His grandmother came at the house first Xin ci didn't  want to let her in. But she told that she want to apologize personally  to Lan lan.

  Mrs. Qi  hugged  his grandson while Xin ci look away. "My boy can I invite you out to treat you for a delicious  food?" Yunlan shake his head, "Sorry grandma I can't  I promise to Shen Wei  to stay in the house." When suddenly  his phone ring. Da quing  called him that something happened  to Shen Wei.

   "What?! Don't  worry I'm coming!" Mrs. Qi  hearing it volunteer  to take him in the office. Yunlan thank her. Xin ci not wanting to leave his son with her. Accompany Yunlan as they went to the office.

   But as they were inside the car suddenly  the men of his grandmother  gave them a chloroform  knocking both father and son. "Madam! Where  too?!" Ask her driver. "In my private airport what else fool!" She shout.

   Meanwhile  Da quing  upon hearing the voice of Yunlan's  grandmother  at the end of the call alerted  Mr. Shen. "That witch!"  He called his men and the police to get back Yunlan again. Shen Wei  woke up  hearing the panicking of people around him.

   "Dad! What's  going on?" He ask. "It's  Mrs. Qi  he got Yunlan again!" Without even replying to his father he quickly got on to his motor bicycle  to get Yunlan back. Bai Qi and Hei Qi  who just came for the important  occasion.  Bump into Da quing  whose tailing Shen Wei.

   He told to Hei Qi  what happened,  "Tsu^ma^ really active today!" As he lend his car to follow them. Yezun seeing Bai Qi  also went with them. Mr. Shen on the other hand went to his car to track down his beloved Xin ci. Luckily  he gave Xin ci a phone with a tracking device.

   Yunly and Richard whose quietly having a dinner in their home was startled when Bai Qi  called them. "She what?!!!" Richard knew that look, "Did your mother done something  again?!" She nod, "We got  to stop her I know where  she's  going!" As she instruct Bai Qi  on where to go. Da quing  hearing that he called Shen Wei  to go to the Qi's  private airport. As he speed toward it.



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