29: Arabic Numerals

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After breakfast the next morning, I went on a hike with Amir, Kasper, and Emerson. It was technically still on the Hamad estate since it was their own private trail on their own private land up the mountain their house was built on.

"What's on the other side of this mountain?" I asked. The trail was shaded by a line of Italian Cypress, but we still wore sunhats and copious amounts of sunblock.

"It is a federal preserve for the native wildlife. Beyond that is a resort and then an army base," Amir said.

They'd all taken the morning off to keep me company while we waited to see if Tareq could get visitation with me. Mr. Hamad seemed very hopeful, but I worried. I hadn't been able to talk to Tareq on the video chat. Mr. Hamad said it was best to not cause problems. I needed to show I was a good kid who followed the judges orders.

"It's so beautiful up here, so peaceful." I said.

"We bought as much as we could to preserve the native habitats." Emerson signed. Amir was translating between us.

"Dylan! You have to see my garden!" Kasper called out. He was ahead of us up the trail.

"Oh cool. I like gardens." I tried to sound excited for him.

"Emerson and I made it with native California plants. It's to make this feel like home. Oh the poppies are blooming! It's so beautiful." Kasper's face lit up.

We caught up to him and there was a little grove between the trees where there was a circular path filled with plants and a bird fountain.

"We built this my first spring here. I was so homesick, but my family didn't want me there so I couldn't really go home." He explained.

"That's terrible. Your family? That sucks." I felt badly for him.

"It does... I haven't been home since I came here. It hurts, but we do talk when big things happen. But this is my family now. I don't think they'll ever accept who I am and who I love so they don't get to see me." Kasper looked down at his plants.

"Baby love, don't be sad," Amir called and ran to hold him.

Kasper looked up with pouty lips and got a kiss from Amir. I looked over at Emerson who just shrugged uncomfortably and winked at me.

"I have you so I'm never sad." Kasper was getting cheesy. Amir smiled and rubbed his nose against Kasper's. Emerson put a hand to his cheek and shook his head in embarrassment.

It made me miss Tareq. I wanted to be obscenely gross with Tareq. I wanted the constant touching and the babytalk and everything else that would annoy the fuck out of everyone around us. It was building up inside me. I needed my man.

"I really miss Tareq," I said to Emerson, trying to show my words. He nodded and came to hug me.

We got to the top of the peak where there was a large flat rock that had a view of the city. I pointed towards the Zakar house on the beach.

"Oh I know that neighborhood! That guy who did the yoga symposium. Remember that?" Kasper asked Emerson and signed for him.

"I do. That was just down the street. I think Mrs. Zakar was there!" Emerson signed.

"You know her?" I asked and Amir translated.

"Of course! We have done many events together. She is intense, but has a good heart. I'm sure she was mean to you!" Emerson laughed.

"She was, but we're ok now. We made peace." I told him. I definitely wasn't going to tell them about Tareq's parents learning that he had tricked me. If the Hamads thought he was bad, he definitely wouldn't be able to see me.

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