Overnight At Haunted Execution Rocks Pt2

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Elton gets out a radio and an alarm goes off making me scream once again and hide behind Corey. Things are slightly less awkward after our kiss. I still have feelings for him but I know Elton and he would go mad if that was to ever happen again. Elton then changes the channel and country music starts to play and the boys all start dancing around. I get out my phone and start filming them, but they're dancing gets interrupted by the sound of an alarm again and Elton laughing
"Turn it off Elton" I say and he does, putting it away as well
"Ok so who's going up there all on their own?" Elton asks pointing up some stairs that lead to the top of the lighthouse
"Nope no no way" Brandon shake my head
"Well we've all done it so really it's yours and Theas turn to"
"Thats right we all did it last time" Corey points to Elton, Corbin and himself
"Nope I'm not going up on my own" Brandon argues
"Well you'll have Evan because he's filming" Elton points to Evan behind the camera
"Ok I'll make you a deal, and this is only because Evan is coming, I'll do it for like 15 minuets but if something happens and I get super freaked out I want to come back down"
"Ok deal" Elton responds back to Brandon "so Thea are you going first?"
"May as well" I shrug. I'm given an inferred camera and I make my way up the stairs. I can hear the boys still arguing about Brandon coming up on his own after me
"Wait Thea were all coming up" I hear Corey yell and I hear footsteps coming up.

As soon as I walk in I look around and see something hanging "what the fuck is that?" I say walking up to it then realising what it is. I scream and run behind someone as Elton starts to heave "oh god oh god oh god" I being to shake
"Thea what's wrong?" Corey asks worriedly
"The..the..f..fuck..." I start to go light headed as Corey walks over to where I was standing
"Thea breath" Corbin says as Elton crouches down to be sick
"It's the fucking doll"
"No it isn't" Brandon says in disbelief
"Oh god oh god no I.. I can't.." I put my shaking hands over my ears and my heart starts racing. I crouch down. Corey crouches next to me
"Thea your ok. You've got me, Corbin, Elton, Brandon and Evan with you. Nothings going to happen" Corey pulls my hands away from my ears and holds them in his hands
"Has Thea had a panic attack before with you guys?" Corbin asks Corey
"Yeah she did a few years back. We were exploring a haunted building and we saw a doll"
"I'm ok I think" I breath out and stand back up
"You sure?" Corey asks
"Yeah just don't put it near me" everyone nods except Elton who is still crouched down. The boys all continue to freak out and talk about the doll
"That's the doll we tied on the rocks yes?" Corbin says with me stood behind him and Corey
"No no this isn't the doll that we tied to the rocks this is a different doll, but it's fucking hands are cut off" Corbin groans a little at Corey "Elton"
"What? Yeah yeah I'm here" Eltons acting a little odd, like he just seems really unwell, I know he's been sick but his eyes just like super tired. He picks up the doll and I back away. I try to look any where but at Elton and the Doll "oh look at that. Is its head backwards?"
"Maybe it's a prank" Corbin tries to reason
"Like from the guy who owns this place" Corey says thinking along the same line as Corbin
"Look the hands can't be a coincidence. Thea I don't know if you had time to see before running behind Corey and Corbin.." Elton says that slightly annoyed "..but this doll doesn't have hands either. So that leaves two options. One is that the owner saw our video and he was pissed that we took his doll so he cut of the body took it with him and brought this one"
"Then let us back to see this" Corbin says. Elton decides to call the owner to see if anyone has been here that could have left the doll
"Can I just say I'm surprised Thea is still in this room" Corey says
"Yeah because I'm not going anywhere on my own" Elton's tries the owner twice but doesn't answer. He then tries the guy who drove us here but he doesn't answer either
"I don't like this" I say
"Thats fucked up man. Like what if someone gets seriously hurt and we can't get hold of them" Corbin makes a valid point
"Well if it puts you at ease, them not answering, or should I say them having their phones off makes me think it's them who are messing with us"
"I still don't like this Elton. I'm used to your shit and normally I can cope but this, you know how scared I am of dolls like the fact I'm in this room with one here and then no matter what we do for the rest of the night I'm going to be thinking about it all night"
"I know, I know" Elton says as we all begin to hear what sounds like metal chains or something down the stairs
"Oh fuck off" I say
"Shhh shhhh I can hear people talking" Corey whispers then points to his ears
"Did a boat just pull up?" Elton asks and Corey just look confused. Elton goes to the very top to check to see if he can see a boat. We all go up to check and don't see anything. Corey is convinced that he heard a boat and people. We all hear noises coming from inside and Elton tries both of the men but their phones are still off.

We go back down the stairs and I notice the doll has moved from where Elton put it, immediately my eyes begin to water
"Co..Cor.." I watch it move "Cor.. Corey" I begin to shake and cry
"Hmm. What?" I watch the doll fall on to Corey and I immediately scream, so does Corey as he pulls me into his chest and I start to feel like I can't breathe
"Fuck Elton" Corey says and I can hear Elton chuckling
"Elton that wasn't a good idea" Corbin says
"The mask came off look" Elton says as I'm struggling to breathe but I look at Elton
"Elton no no no what are you doing? Elton?" Corey starts to freak out. I look up and see Elton walk back up the steps to the top of the light house. I hear him say I don't like you as Evan goes up after him. Brandon, Corey and Corbin stay with me
"Thea are you ok?" Brandon asks and I just shrug my shoulders and I try to focus on my breathing. Elton comes back down
"What did you do?" Corbin asks
"We threw it" he says
"We? I think you mean you threw it" Evan corrects Elton
"You threw it into the water?" Corey asks
"I threw it into the rocks".

We walk back down the stairs to the first room we were in. Both Corey and I are freaking the fuck out
"What was that? I swear I saw something right there" Brandon points in front of us "can we go outside?" he asks. I follow the boys out. I then follow them over to the little area where we were taking the pictures earlier. Elton has a fucking table and says it's because he's setting up some things which makes me super nervous
"Wheres the doll?" Corey asks
"Over there somewhere"
"It's there oh my god look" Elton asks Corey to touch it as we all walk over to it
"Elton don't you think you've tortured Thea enough with it?" Corbin asks trying to stop any plan Elton has ticking in that fucked up head of his. Brandon then finds the dolls mask but it had fallen off earlier
"Why would it be out here?" I ask
"No, when I threw it it didn't have the mask on"
"So how did it get out here?" Corey says
"Ok straight up is anyone pulling a prank right now? because this isn't funny, I will actually pay you to stop if this is a prank" everyone shakes their heads saying that it's not a prank. After more arguing, Elton gets out the K2 and checks us all to see if any of us set it off. He then goes to check the doll then he starts swearing
"It went bright red"
"No it didn't no it didn't" Corey freaks out
"Elton please stop" I say stood next to Corbin and Corey. I watch as Corey's eyes start to water
"If there is anything attached to this doll please can us make the device he is using spike to red?" Corey asks and of course it spikes
"Guys I really don't feel good" I say as I begin to shake once again. Elton then throws the doll between Corey and I. I once again scream as Brandon pulls me away
"You threw it at me and your own sister?" Corey says kinda annoyed and upset. I cry into Brandons shirt
"I want to go"
"I know, but your ok" Brandon hugs me tighter to try and comfort me
"Elton, this is your little sister. Surly your meant to be looking after her and you know about her fear" Corbin says
"I've known Thea for like 6 years now and I have never seen her this scared before. Like this is her what third panic attack of the night and it's only 10pm" Elton then checks me and Corey and both of us spike to red. I see the immediate regret in Eltons face
"Thanks bro" Corey says with tears in his eyes. I look at Elton who also looks like his about to cry.

TFIL Overnight Adventures Book 1 ✔️Where stories live. Discover now