Our Return To The Abandond Mall Pt2

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Once reunited we get into the mall
"Guys if I remember right. We have to be careful because the floor is falling apart in some places and there's huge drops"
"Can we put our lights on?" Corey whispers to Elton
"Yeah. Just letting you know. It was super easy for us to get in which means it's super easy for anyone to get in. So, like, ya know let's get super weary"
"I actually hate this" I sigh as we carry on walking around
"Thea do you remember the escalators" Corey says pointing in front of us
"Oh shit yeah. This is so weird being back here"
"That's massive" Corbin comments
"This is super sick though. I'd never do this by myself" Brandon exclaims
"I don't know how I joined Sam and Colby on some of their abandoned trips" I shake my head. We walk up the escalators
"Just be careful where you walk" Elton says "I also have a really bad habit when I get scared, I don't hit record because my instinct isn't to film"
"I wouldn't call that a bad habit Elton" I silently laugh "also can we get up to the roof because I feel safer up there"
"Errr yeah we're only one flight of stairs off I think"
"Shhh wait did you hear that?" Corey interrupts Elton and I. We then hear a sound thats like a cane falling on the floor
"What the fuck was that?" Elton stops walking
"Fuck. Could it have been the roof falling?" I ask looking up
"This is so scary" Brandon comments
"Well when we go up we will make friends"
"Elton" Corbin looks back
"I, like, friends" Elton laughs.

"Anyone want to play the clap game? Hide and clap?"
"Hell no Elton" I scold "to be honest I have a super bad feeling. I just feel off"
"Ok if Thea feels off then we should go" Corey says
"No let's keep going" Elton eggs us all on as we continue to walk
"Isn't this the spot where Sam watched all the cops?" I ask
"Yeah I think so"
"The very first time we came here the cops rolled in because there was a huge group of other people here and they raided them while we were on the roof"
"Oh yeah. They all got arrested while we just sat on the roof" I laugh
"Yeah. They either didn't know we were up there or they didn't care to come and get us"
"Thank god we didn't get arrested, mom and dad would have killed me"
"No they would have killed me. I told them when you moved to LA I'd keep you safe"
"And look how that's going" Corey chuckles as we walk up to the roof.

"Ok none of us should stand in the same spot" Elton says when we get to the roof "walk on the bolts"
"This is sketchy"
"Your the one who wanted to come up here" Brandon looks at me confused
"I kinda forgot how dangerous it was up here"
"You kinda forgot, how do you kinda forget?" Corbin asks
"Hey look how pretty it is up here" I open my arms out towards to scenery changing the subject
"High 5 everyone. We made it" Elton high 5s the boys "I mean we could be celebrating to early because if you remember last time they waited for us to come out. They were waiting there at the exit"
"I can't believe the last we were here was 4 years ago. I was in my 20s"
"Yeah I think I was 20/21. I'm 25 now"
"I was like 18?"
"You were a baby" Corbin says
"She still is" Elton mutters
"Hey" I nudge him slightly. The boys all start messing about doing handshakes, Corey says he's not gonna hook up with Elton and then we all joke about if we had a drone we could call Pizza Hut and fly a pizza over to us.

"Are we ready to leave?" I ask feeling even more sketched out as the night goes on. We start to walk down the stairs from the roof
"So that light can 100% see us so I would not be surprised if someone's waiting for us outside"
"Fuck sake Elton" I groan
"You guys ready?" he asks referring to this race the boys all decided to do. Elton trips nearly falling down the escalators "would have died I nearly died. Maybe this race is a bad idea"
"Ya think?" I throw my hands up in the air "I'm used to Jake acting like a kid but Elton seriously you 31"
"Bye guys" Elton waves then starts running. We catch up to him, but Corey decides to walk over some metal making a load of noise, when all then hear a bang which makes me jump
"I'm actually super scared now guys" I grab hold of Corey
"We're fine ok, come on this way" Elton starts running again towards the stairs we originally walked up to get into the mall, but we soon realise we've come down a different way
"Oh no" Corey sighs "it's like an alarm" I look to see a shut door
"I mean there's no way anything's hooked to it anymore"
"I dunno" I say to Elton unsure
"We can't get out"
"Let's try that one" Elton walks past Corey and I. We follow him walking up some stairs and we manage to get into the parking garage and to where we need to jump to get out. Corbin jumps first while I start to pull myself up on the ledge
"Ok swing your legs over" I do as Corbin says "ok now start to lower yourself down, I'll grab your legs" I lower myself down and Corbin does what he said he'd do and eventually I'm down. I take the camera off Elton who jumps next. Corey and Brandon are still inside
"Did we do it?" I ask still feeling uneasy
"Let's call the cops and tell them 2 people are inside" Corbins eyes widen
"Elton no" I say. Elton gets out his phone
"Are you serious?" Corbin yells a little
"Dead serious" Elton shows his phone
"Elton seriously this isn't funny" I try to stop him
"Hi this is a none emergency I just don't know the proper number to call erm I don't know if you guys care or not but there's like an abandoned mall and I've see these 2 guys in there I think their like skateboarding I think they might have fireworks I'm not sure" my eyes widen at Elton "erm I dunno I just know there's a police station really close by and I don't want them to get hurt I dunno I just figured I'd let you guys know. Ok thanks goodbye"
"Elton seriously why would you do that?" I yell a little
"What if they don't get out? your actually sentencing them to jail" Corbin says but Elton just laughs. We get into the truck and I call Corey to let him know that cops might be on their way but there's no answer so I try Brandon who also doesn't answer
"Oh shit have I just screwed them over?" I try them again "oh boy, oh man this might really backfire. I just wanted to put a fire under their ass" Elton is now sounding nervous "we're going to have to back in again aren't we?"
"Yeah" Corbin sighs
"Thea you stay here and watch out for the cops and ring me when you see them"
"Ok. Let me try Corey one more time" this time I manage to get through to him
"Are you still inside?" I ask
"Someone called the cops" Elton says making me roll my eyes "get out now. Hurry up, we're in the car we're not in the same spot we're around the corner"
"Alright peace"
"Fuck" I sigh. Elton and Corbin get out the car while I stay in. They quickly get back in the car
"That's them" Elton drives over to them "get in get in" Corey sits next to me while Brandon sits next to Corey
"Elton drive go"
"Due someone called the cops exactly 15 minutes ago"
"God I can't believe that" Corey sighs
"I'm telling you someone called the cops 30 seconds before I called you"
"How do you know?" Corey asks
"Why do you think?" I say rather annoyed
"Dude I'm telling you I was on the phone with them telling them you were in their and then I was like I gotta tell Corey"
"Dead ass?" Corey says, I can't tell if he's playing along or actually didn't get any of what Elton just said "what so you talked to the person who called the cops?"
"Dude I'm telling you, I called the fucking police and I was like yo there's 2 people in there..."
"Shut the fuck up. Thea how could you let him?" Corey starts laughing
"I tried to stop him" I shrug "but could we have just told them that the cops were called without actually calling them?"
"Where's the fun in that dear sister? this is so funny to me"
"Ha ha" Brandon fake laughs. Elton parks up and we will the outro for this video which I'm so happy is over.

TFIL Overnight Adventures Book 1 ✔️Where stories live. Discover now