「 Chapter 16 | Decisions 」

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Days have passed, you have avoided the thoughts. You just had fun with Hoseok and the others, they hid you away from Seokjin before he asked the questions. But now, it was exactly monday. The day that you have to talk with Seokjin, you knew there was no backing out. Hoseok said that after you talked with Seokjin, he already bought some ticket to other places for you. Knowing that it would take a while before you move on from Seokjin, and Seokjin's words. You agreed then you have already packed your clothes, then you took a deep breath. You felt your phone vibrate,

Come here at the park this instant,

I want to talk to you already.

- Jin

You then stiffened while reading the message, you wore a white sweater then ripped jeans with black convers. You then fixed your hair and wore shades, knowing that he might notice if your eyes stings. You then took a deep breath while putting your headphones on while it connected at your phone, you wore a pink watch then you got your car keys. You then walked to your car then got in, you weren't nervous. You weren't angry. You just wanted answers, you knew Seokjin would be nervous. You always knew alot about him, you know Marcie wouldn't know as much as you but you weren't sure. You drove slowly, you then felt your phone vibrate again.

Stop driving slowly, you know how it annoys me.

- Jin

You smiled then you drove normally now, you then reached the park then you stopped. You then turned off the car engine then opened the car door, seeing Seokjin at the swing. He looked depressed, you then walked to him then you tapped his shoulder. He looked up at you, he looked like he lost alot of sleep. You wanted to smirk but you didn't, you knew it would hurt him. You then sat beside him, " What do you want to talk about then? " he said, " I need answers. " you said, " Hmm? Wae? Did curiousity eat you up? " he said, " Maybe. " you mumbled. There was silence then you sat down at the other swing seat, you then looked down. You started to slightly swing, you pushed yourself with the guide of your foot. You then looked at Seokjin, " Oh... The question huh? " he said, " Yeah, you don't mind if I ask it now, right? " you said, " Gwenchana. " he said, " Um... Do you... " you said while looking down, " Do you still love me? " you said, gaining a bit of confidence. He was speechless, you noticed that he stiffened. He looked away, the words stuck at his lungs. A few more minutes or hours pass, you then noticed that it was getting the atmoshere awkward. You were about to stand up but he grabbed your wrist, " Yes. " he said, his eyes stinged a bit. You were shocked, he wa about to cry. " I'm sorry. " you said, " Umm... Do you still love Marcie then? " you said while sitting back down, " I broke up with her. " he said, even if Marcie was his ideal type. You were still the perfect person for him, even with the small mistakes. The imperfection you had was perfect to him, Marcie was too perfect. He was still stuck on you, stuck on your imperfections. You were shocked once again, your eyes started to slightly sting. He then started to cry, he never cried in this kinds of things. But he was embarrassed, he always cried from embarrassment. You couldn't help but hug him, you then hugged him while he cried at your stomach. He buried his face at your stomach, he still sat down at the swing. You wanted to cry too but you had to be stong, you needed to make decisions. You bit your lips, knowing that you were hugging the man you have broken. You needed to choose, it was either to forgive him or not to. " I'm sorry, " he said, he repeated it all over as he cried. He wrapped his arms around your waist while he cried, it was the first time you saw him like this. You closed your eyes, you had shaky hands but you still hugged him. You knew he noticed and you didn't mind, you were stuck at your thoughts.

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