Frat Parties are for Losers

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Authors note: Welcome to my book. I add a picture and sometimes song to fit each chapter. This song is playing when she gets to the party.

"Oh com'on! Maeve you can't just sit around studying all through college. You gotta have fun sometimes." Char tells me.

Char is short for Chardonnay. Yes her parents named her after wine. No they're not alcoholics, just Italian and Asian.

I roll my eyes at her.

"I'm not going. Frat Parties are for Losers. I'd rather lay here and study"

I wasn't planning on studying, but I might as well since that's the only excuse she can't say no too.

"Fine, I guess I'll go be a looooser with all the hotties in the frat house" she mocks me, trying to peak my interest.

It's not working, because I don't really care. Even if I wanted to see the hot guys, she'd find my least favorite and encourage him for fun.

She leaves and I pause my fake studying to get back to my show. It's not that I don't trust Char, it's just that she'd make a big deal if she realized I was watching horror shows rather than something productive.


Oh fuck. I hear a buzz and I know it's not my phone. Damn it Char. She knows it's not safe out here at night without her phone. Sometimes I forget how cunning she is because she knows I'll bring her her phone. Ugh, guess I'm a loser too. I shut my laptop then grab my keys and both our phones and head out the dorm.

I knew exactly how to get to the frat house, thanks to a few of the overly "friendly" guys in my class. I hate the obnoxious frat boys and their flirting. Makes me want to shave my hair off and hide in a hoodie all year so they'll leave me alone. But that's not what a nice girl would do, and I'm a nice girl. So I let Jace write the address on my hand instead and smiled stupidly.

While heading to the address, I get nosy. Someone must've texted Char. I look at the phone.

Blondie from Chem 😩 sent a message.

Gross. I guess she's flirting with some guy from Chem now. Yikes. I put the phone back down as I arrive at the house. The music is blasting through the house. Huh, I kinda like this song. But anyway, time to give Char her phone and leave. I still don't wanna be here.

I get inside and squish passed all the people making out in the doorway. I can smell the sex and beer in the air and almost choke. I look around for Char's black and dyed red hair. She decided to bleach the bottoms and dip them in Kool-aid for fun after graduation saying 'it's part of the freedom of not giving a fuck anymore.' Unfortunately for her, I still give a fuck so my hair is staying it's natural dirty blonde instead.

I find Jace hanging out in the kitchen and decide to ask him if he's seen Char.

"Oh shit! Maeeeeve? You actually showed?!" He's super drunk and I regret asking.

"Ok. Well keep an out for her would you?" I say in a high pitched voice. "For me?" I wink. Ugh I hate flirting with that cringy voice but he's an idiot and the only way to get an idiots attention is to flirt.

"Oh hell yeah. I'll let you know the minute I see her" he says licking his lips. I internally roll my eyes. Guess I'll have to keep looking.

I search around upstairs in every room. I'm actually surprised when I don't find her having sex on a random bed. She must not be drunk enough yet. I head outside next.

Oh...shit...I didn't know these guys had a pool. And then someone shoves into my shoulder. I look down to find Char drooling on my arm, with a guys arm wrapped around her waist.

"Oh, hey sorry about her. She's pretty drunk, I was gonna take her upstairs to lay down." The guy says. He's blonde. Probably the one who texted her.

"Are you coming back downstairs?" I smirk at him 'flirtatiously'. I'm not actually interested in him, but there's no way I'm letting him stay upstairs alone with Char passed out.

"Uh, no I was gonna stay up there just to watch over her, ya know? You're really pretty but she's my main focus" he says back to me

'main focus' huh? Her, or getting in her pants? I hide my glare.

"Yeah me too. Char is my best friend. I'm actually here to give her her phone. She left it in our dorm. I'll help her lay down so you can enjoy the party" I say, trying not to let him hear the suspicion and anger in my voice.

"Ohh shiiiit. Maeve! You came! I knew if I left my phone there you would!" Char says drunkly. I glare at her. "This is Griffin by the way." she stands up straight, introducing us.

"Cool Char. Now let's go." I tell her blankly

"What? No way, Griffin and I were about to head upstairs." She looks at me, signaling exactly what Griffin was intending to do.

"Char, you're drunk. I don't think that's a good-" she cuts me off

"Go find your own man. I've got mine" she snaps at me. Ugh, drunk Char is a pain. Fine. I give Griffin a hard glare and hand him her phone, making sure he keeps track of her and her shit.

He leads her up the stairs, their bodies already intertwined. I hope she doesn't regret that later.

I head for the door but Jace grabs my wrist. I snap my head back, hoping the music covered up my growl of annoyance.

"Hey, hold on, Maeve." He let's go, "Look I'm not that drunk, I just thought you might be more honest with me if you thought I was." He says calmly. My expression changes back to it's happy-go-lucky default.

"When have I ever lied to you?" I say sweetly, turning my head with a smile. Yes, I act like that girl.

"Well, you just seem like you don't like me as much as you say." He responds, blushing shyly. Ugh he seems like one of those sensitive boys.

"What do you mean?" I say again in my high pitched voice.

"Well like, you act all nice and shit to me, but you never text back or wanna hangout. It's a little confusing. I just wanted to know what you really feel?"

Oh god, is he really asking about my feelings? Toward him?

' you're some random guy in my psych class that won't fuck off '... is what I want to say.

"You're a really great friend, who always has my back when I need help" I tell him politely. He gives me a disappointed smile.

'what? Were you hoping I'd be your next hook-up?' I mock in my head. 'that'll never happen buddy' and I continue walking away, leaving him in the doorway.

Sorry if it's a little boring right now. Don't worry, it'll get more interesting and dirty the further you go so read on readers!

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