This ain't Twilight, I hide at night too.

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As I walk out to my car I see something shine in the moonlight nearby. I look closer...

"Oh. Just another frat boy. How boring" I say quietly to myself.

"If you're bored, I can fix that" he says and I realize he's a lot closer than I thought. Oh fuck, he heard me.

"Oh uh, I'm sorry. I'm just a little tired is all" I say, again in my sweet voice.

"You don't have to play the good girl right now. No ones around" he says back. Ew. A frat boy that thinks he's cool.

"Except you're out here" I say sweetly.

"Ha. Can't even deny the act? Pathetic." He smiles at me. Who the hell is this guy, calling me pathetic?

"Um. Well anyway, I'm headed home. Have a good night" I say with a wave. Damn I didn't even think about what to say. I'm glad my mouth runs on default.

"Oh com'on, nothing? You're pretty closed off for being such an extrovert" he says, gesturing his hands outward. Hugging the air.

I snap my head back at him.

"What's that supposed to mean?" I blurt out without my sweet voice. He grins, his white teeth shining in the light.

"Oh so she does speak. I was starting to think you're afraid of me"

"What do you mean? I've been talking to you since I came outside" I say in my sweet voice again.

He walks up to me quickly. I act like I'm intimidated, and huddle my body together, looking innocent. He's got a black t-shirt on and jeans. He has sleeves of tattoos running down his muscular arms and his hair is slicked back on top with a buzz on the sides.

"Look princess, you don't get to judge me and then act all innocent. I know you're playing this shit up." He smirks, grabbing my waist and pulling me closer to him. "So either cut the act or I'll cut it for you"

Ugh, I just want to be left the fuck alone. I push against his chest hard and he releases me.

"Fuck off." I sigh, rolling my eyes. I turn back to my car he grabs my shoulder and turns me back.

"That's more like it." He says, chuckling. Finally I'm done. I punch him in his solid abs. It kinda hurts my wrist actually, but it doesn't matter. I feel his breath pushed out of him as he bends over, holding his stomach.

"I said fuck off" I glare at him as he looks up at me. Damn it, this asshole is still smiling. Whatever, I'm leaving. I hop in my car and leave as I see the man stand up straight slowly, still holding his stomach. Serves him right, he shouldn't have pissed me off.

I get home and lay on my bed. That damn asshole is still on my mind. Was he trying to get punched in the gut, because it worked. That's what happens when you piss people off. I don't even know why he was all weird because I speak politely sometimes. My parents always taught me it's better to be polite, so I'm just being the good girl. I feel so stupid though. He was trying to get a reaction out of me and I gave him one. I should've just left. Stupid, stupid, stupid.

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