Good Girls Get Rewards

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This song just fits the chapter.

I spent the whole weekend watching horror shows and cleaning the house. Char wasn't particularly helpful, but atleast she kept herself out of the way. She had a nasty hangover and chilled out in her room for most of it.
I gotta say, I'm really falling for Evan Peters the more I watch this shit.

Finally the week starts up again and we both have class. Char's excited to get to chem with her new blonde boy toy Griffin. He's got a cool name but he's such a cliche frat boy.

Monday is not very interesting, and I go around being polite and helping people.  I've got a lot of friends and a good reputation because of it, but it's so exhausting being that girl. Maybe this really is just an act. I dunno, I see it as a filter used to keep myself from mentally destroying everyone I meet. If someone could read my thoughts, they'd probably hate me after hearing me judge and insult everyone. I think I'm just not a people person.

After school I start my shift at the bar and grill. It's not a very classy place but it's better than fast food and I get a lot of tips for being polite. It's just how I've learned to behave. . . Until now

Now, there's a 6 foot, pain in my ass sitting at one of my tables. Great. I walk over hoping he doesn't recognize me.

"Oh, princess. I didn't know you worked here. How fitting. This is the perfect place for you to go around acting like you care isn't it?" He smirks at me.

It's the guy from the night in the parking lot. The one I punched in the stomach.
He looks super hot too. His face has a slight goatee stubble growing along his perfectly chiseled jawline. He's wearing a white button up with black slacks. He looks like a damn model. I can make out his tattoos through the shirt. Why does this asshole have to be so attractive?

"Can I take your order?" I ask politely ignoring him

He turns his head. Is he actually, openly staring at my boobs?

"So, your names Maeve huh? Or is that a lie too?"

What the fuck? Does this guy just assume random things about people all day and accuse them?

"I'll give you a few more minutes to decide" I say, still ignoring him. He grabs my skirt and tugs at it. I resist the urge to glare at him and continue my script.

"Oh I'm sorry, did you need something?"

"Just do me one favor princess." I can't help but narrow my eyes despite keeping my smile

"When I make you cum, look at me while you moan my name"

My arms tense around the order notebook and I feel the pen cracking under my grip. This guy is infuriating. where the hell does he get off saying shit like that?!

"Excuse me!" I say, still keeping my filter just barely alive.

"My name's Chase. Chase Winston. Just so you know what to say." He says as he winks. HE WINKED.

"What the fuck is your problem?" I hiss at him. Now I'm annoyed. This piece of shit really thinks he can tell me what to do and he's so confident in his damn accusations that now he's talking about having sex with me!

He laughs.

"You know princess, I like the real you a lot more than your act."

"There is no act, pretty boy. There's just me and this special thing you've never heard of. It's called manners and common fucking decency." I say, a little too loud.

There's a few customers looking at me from other tables. Fuck, I need to get my shit together quickly.

I subtly slap his hand off my skirt and turn to walk away.

"And don't call me princess." I whisper, walking away.

"Sure thing baby" he says back

Ugh what a dick bag. Who even says that? "When I make you cum, moan my name" The dude sounds like he's learning pickup lines from a 15 year old. Fucking hell. And then proceeded by telling me his name. Chase Winston. Thanks, now I know who to look out for! I think to myself. It's going to be a long shift, I groan.

After about 20 minutes of avoiding him, I walk back, staying true to my waitress agenda. He finally orders and soon after leaves. Thank God. I go to clean his table and then I see the tip.

Holy shit. He left $150 tip. Ok this has to be a mistake, (although I definitely could use the money more than him) I've still got to give this back to him.

I run out into the dark parking lot and I see him...getting in his car.

"Oh you've gotta be kidding me" I mumble to myself. It's the same car that was parked near my dorm. The deep red Dodge hellcat....*sigh* fuck me.

"Hey baby, miss me already?" He says with a devious smirk

"You forgot some money on the table actually" I say, not bothering to sound sweet anymore.

"Keep it. It's a reward for not lying to me" he grins at me.

"Not lying to you?"

"You're not faking it. Like you give a shit when I know you don't."

"And how would you know what I do or don't give a shit about?" I ask sassily.

"Because I can see how exhausted you are when you fake it." He says as he climbs into the car and starts it. Damn does that kitty purr. I love the sound of the car. I hear the window roll down next and realize I been standing there, with my eyes closed, just listening.

"Are you coming for a ride or going back in?" He asks

"Going back in, obviously!" I yell back, stomping like a toddler back into the restaurant. He interrupted my fangirling of his car to ask if I wanted a ride. That's a stupid question, of course I want a ride. Some hot, rich asshole with the same taste in cars? Gawd he could be my soulmate if he wasn't such an asshole.

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