My Girl

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I close my eyes. I feel chunks of wood fly in front of my face. I smell sulfur and bark. Jace's whole body tenses around me, he holds me tight for only a second before I feel his arm drops and he stops holding me...

Oh my god... Jace is dead?

I open my eyes. The tree we were leaning against is mostly shredded into wood chips now.

I dare myself to look at Jace...
His eyes are wide and he looks terrified. I don't see any blood. Maybe he's not dead. But he's also not breathing. His mouth is barely open in a horizontal o and I follow his gaze to see a gun pointed right at his head.

My eyes crawl up the gun until I see a masculine arm and with a sleeve of tattoos leading up to the shoulder. Then I see the man's face.

It's Chase Winston. He's here, holding a gun to Jace's head.

"The first shot was a warning O'Connor. Now, you best speak quick. I told you what would happen if I saw you with her again, yet here you are." Chase talks calmly but with such a serious undertone it makes me shiver.

Jace, pale as a ghost, stutters out a response.
"I-I-I was helping her. of the frats were-"

"Speak clearly O'Connor. Your life's on the line."

"He was-....uh...he tried to....her friend!!"

Chase breathes heavily and cocks the gun.

"Wait!" I interject before Chase can do anything.

"Jace saved me! There was the party. He attacked me, Jace stopped him!"

Well it's not the whole story but I don't think Chase has the patience to hear much more.

I show Chase my arms. He takes his eyes off Jace for just long enough to look at me. Immediately he snaps back at Jace. He presses the gun against his forehead.

"You let someone leave those marks? Do you have any respect for my things O'Connor?"

"I...yes! Mr.Winston, I swear I only got involved when I thought she was in danger. I didn't even talk to her before that!"

Jace is pleading with "Mr.Winston". It's kind of pathetic to see him like this but I'm ashamed to say I'm just as scared.

This Chase Winston guy really is dangerous and very unpredictable.

"It's true. Jace ignored me until he heard a loud noise upstairs and came to check on me."

"I didn't ask you, princess. What happens to this boy doesn't concern you." Mr.Winston responds.

What? Did he really just tell me to butt out of the conversation? Like a child?! While he's got Jace at gunpoint right next to me?!

"Like hell it doesn't concern me. If it weren't for Jace, I'd probably be laying in a pool of my own filth. Feeling defeated because I could've been raped by some asshole!"

I stand up, ready to slap Chase Winston.

Jace looks at me with shock but Chase keeps his eyes locked on Jace, but smiles slightly.


I slap Chase. I close my eyes again, waiting for his response to hit me with the gun.
Instead, he chuckles.

"Ha, you hit like a girl Preston. What happened to the strong fiery girl that punched me in the gut huh?"

Chase turns to look at me, finally lowering the gun. He slides closer to me and whispers in my ear.

"Now you really are scared aren't you princess? I told you what would happen if you kept disobeying me."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 10 ⏰

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