Save me the Lecture

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Picture above is the lovely Chardonnay. Since Maeve looks like Avril Lavigne, the song felt fitting.

That asshole.

What the fuck just happened?

Ugh! I turn the water back to hot and allow the heat to soak up my frustrations. I'm so dumbfounded that he just came in here and did that. And punishment? If it wasn't humiliating enough for him to interrupt Jace and I, now he's treating me like a dog (again) and I don't even know why. I quit stalking him but he's here, stalking me still obviously. I turn off the water and dry off, ready to give Chase Winston a piece of my mind.

I storm out of the bathroom and find Char leaned against the door frame. When she sees me, her eyes widen.

"Whoa! You were the girl Mr. Winston had to deal with?!" She asks, shocked.

"Well I- Mr. Winston?" I interrupt my own thoughts.


I cock my eyebrows at her. She never calls anyone Mister. Not even our professors.

"Ok so after you said he was a stalker, I talked to Griffin to see if he knows him." She responds in a loud enough whisper to hear over the music

"Ok. And?"

"Well... Griffin said he's dangerous. If he's got a problem with you, we could both be in danger."

"But I don't even know what his problem is?!" I blurt back as I feel a hand at the bottom of my back. I snap my head to see who's behind me.

Oh thank God. It's not Chase.

Jace is holding my phone out for me with a weak smile, still shirtless.

"Hey um... Here. Wouldn't wanna forget this." He says, handing me the phone shyly.

"What the hell is going on with that asshole?" I snap at him, unintentionally being rude.

"Uh.. you mean Mr. Winston?"

I roll my eyes. Why is everyone acting like he's some big shot?

"He uh... Doesn't like when I...uh" Jace starts stuttering over his words.

"Why not? What we do is none of his business"

Char looks shocked again when she hears me say 'we' and begins connecting the dots.

"Look, just go enjoy the party. I've got shit to do" Jace's expression changes and he sounds agitated. But I'm more agitated that no one's giving me answers.

"No Jace. Who is Chase Winston and why is he stalking me?" I yell at him

Jace looks around and leans forward slowly, whispering in my ear.

"Look all I know is he runs a huge drug industry and he's rich as hell but he's not afraid to get his hands dirty so just watch yourself around him. " He says and walks away quickly, leaving me to ponder this.

A drug industry? Like a cartel? That would explain the money he likes to flaunt and his arrogance. But why the hell is he showing up at frat parties and cheap grills?

Why the hell is he stalking some college girl?

Char interrupts my thoughts with a slap to my back and a laugh.

"Oh my god, you didn't tell me you were banging Jace O'Connor!!" She says with a huge smile. "I didn't think you actually banged anyone to be honest"

"I didn't." I glare back at her. She goes quiet.

"Did you see where Chase went?" I ask

Her eyes widen "so you are involved with him?" She asks.

"No. I'm not involved with anyone Chardonnay. I just need to give that asshole a piece of my mind!" I yell back at her and she flinches. Great, that damn Chase Winston has made me yell at my best friend twice now.

Char looks away from me and I hear the hellcat engine roar outside. Fuck. No way can I let Chase come in here, cockblock me, violate me and then leave like it's nothing. I rush downstairs and out the door, ignoring the people staring at me, including Jace who looks very worried.

I walk to the parking area and find Chase's hellcat quickly. As I walk up, he rolls down the window and smirks at me.

"I knew you wanted to go for a ride" he says with a chuckle.

"Listen, you egotistical, self-centered-"

"Get in the car." He says calmly. His voice is deep and sinister again and I can tell it wasn't a request. I glare at him for a moment but walk to the passengers side when the smile leaves his face.

Oh hell. His car smells like black ice and his interior is black leather. He has red LEDs on the undercarriage and glove compartment to light the floor. I get in, ignoring the part of me that's been dying to ride in this car. I cross my arms like a child and Chase locks the door and looks at me. I ignore his gaze.

"Alright princess, Go ahead and pout. but you're gonna wanna hold on to something." He says and quickly pulls out the parking area and races onto the highway.

Oh shit, what have I gotten myself into?

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