My Business

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"What was that you said about not stalking me?" He asks

"You were at my car Saturday night, and my dorm Sunday morning and then the restaurant today. You started stalking me so it only made sense for me to look into who you are!" I spit back

"Oh, are you afraid of me?"

"Of course not!" I yell at him, my hands balling into fists. Then he slams his hands against the wall, caging me in. I involuntarily flinch.

"If you're not afraid of me then why do you care?"

"I just wanted to know what your problem is" I glare at him.

"My problem, is that you're out here, acting all sweet and it's pissing me off. You're so damn caught up in lies, you don't even realize it anymore." His voice is calm and deep but sinister.

"Even if that were true, which it's not, it's none of your damn business how I act!" I grunt at him, scowling into his eyes. His bright, deep, sexy eyes.

"Oh sweetheart, I think it is my concern when you start fucking around with my business."

"What business?" I break my glare and my eyebrows push together

"Your little 'innocent' act has started distracting my boys from their jobs."

What's he even talking about?

"What boys? What jobs?"

"Stay out of my shit Maeve, or you'll regret it." He threatens

I shove against his chest, ready to start chewing him out but he doesn't budge. His hands are still pinned to both sides of me.

"Ugh, I just want to be left the fuck alone!" I say aiming my knee at his stomach again. This time he catches my knee and holds it to himself, forcing me to lose balance.
I fall back, my head hits the wall before his other arm grabs my waist. We look like we're doing a tango or some shit.

He laughs as he lifts me back up. If he could've done that all along, that means he let me punch him the first time we met. Why?

"You're quite the unique girl. I don't understand why you hide your personality. You're much better with this feisty attitude"

He just called me feisty? Like a dog? Christ this man is something else.

"Oh yeah?! Well you're much better when you're quiet and suductive rather than when you try to insult me" I yell back at him, realizing that wasn't much of an insult. Infact it was more like an embarrassing complement and I feel myself blush again.

He laughs. Lord, how is his laugh even suductive?

He finishes laughing and looks back at me more serious.

"Now be a good girl and stay away before I have to get more threatening. If I have to explain this again, you're not gonna like it." He says with a dark glare. I don't even know what he's talking about, he started stalking me first.

And then he leaves the room. Leaving me, standing there, dumbfounded.

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