Trust Me

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"hey" a quiet voice says softly. "Is everything alright?"


"Hey char. I'm sorry about earlier." I turn in my bed to look at her. "I was just having a bad moment and it freaked me out when I saw you with that jerk. I was worried he might hurt you or something" I say sweetly with a calm smile.

"Hurt me?" She questions

"Uh yeah. That's guys really creepy, he's been hanging around me a lot lately and I don't know why." I explain.

Her face goes from sympathetic to worried.

"He- he what? He's been stalking you?" She looks horrified.

"Uh..well, kinda. It may just be a coincidence" I lie.

"Oh my god, I'm so sorry Maeve! I thought he was you're secret boyfriend or something!" Of course, like I said, she was making assumptions. "If I had known, I wouldn't have told him where we live. Holy shit, do you think it's safe to stay here?!" She says getting more worried.

"It's alright Char, I handled it" I assure her, although I'm not sure what I handled exactly. She breathes out a sigh of relief and relaxes a bit.

"That's crazy, why was he stalking you?"

"No idea" I tell her blankly. "Can we talk about something else though? He's an annoying subject."

"Uh yeah....I guess there's another party Wednesday, you wanna go?"

"Yeah sure, just don't miss chem Thursday morning" I wink at her. And she smiles. I'm glad the whole Chase thing seems to be over. I was starting to really like having him against me and that's dangerous territory.

Wednesday night:

"Com'on Maeve, it's starting soon!"

"Char you know only the nerds show up on time right?" I tease her.

"Coming from the biggest nerd in the school!" She jokes back. She's not far off though, I'm known for my unbeatable test scores and grades.

And then we head out. I take my time driving back to the frat house so that we're not too early. When we get there, there's still not a lot of people around. I should've taken longer to get dressed.

We walk inside and immediately Griffin finds Char.

"Hey Cherry-top" he flirts.

That's his new nickname for her because she dyed her ends red. It doesn't make much sense to me since it's actually cherry bottom but I'm not gonna question the frat boy logic.

"I guess I'll see you later" I tell her before she can respond to him. I don't want to stick around for their flirting.

I walk to go hangout by the pool. I've always liked swimming. On my way, Jace scoops up my arm and locks it around his.

"Hey Maevey Wavey" he says grinning. His face is glowing red and hot. Either he's overheating or he's drunk. Probably both.

"What's up Jace?" I say politely

"You wanna go for a swim?" He stares at me.

I kinda do. But not like this, in front of everyone who thinks I'm too much of a nerd to even go to parties.

"Oh, I'm ok" I say in a high pitched voice

"Oh don't be scared, if you drown, I'll give you mouth to mouth" he winks.

If I wanted to swim before, I don't now. Jace is an attractive boy but not my type. Too much of a frat boy idiot.

"I'm good, why don't we just sit down" I say nicely.

"Maeve, I wanna do something fun with you!" He groans like a child and scrunches his eye brows at me.

"Well we can find a game to play maybe" although I don't really want to hangout with him. It's better than being the only ones in the pool.

"I've got an idea." He says and he guides me up stairs.
Then he pulls down a sting from the ceiling and a ladder swings down, opening up a hole for an attic. I hesitate. This seems a bit weird, but I'm intrigued. I climb up after him. It's exactly as I said, an attic. Dusty and old with a window. Then he starts climbing out the window.

"Whoa, Jace that's dangerous. I don't think we sh-"

"It's ok Maeve, trust me." He says holding out a hand from on top of the roof. I feel nervous but I grab his hand and follow him out, hoping he doesn't slip like an idiot and die.

On the roof it's beautiful with the lights from the party and the blue reflection of the pool, and all the college lights too. I gasp.

"Gorgeous huh?" He says all happily.

"Yeah" I smile.

"Do you have your phone?" He asks

Oh no. Is he flirting again? I nod.

"Can I see it?" He says as I hand him my phone, expecting him to call his so he'd have my number. Instead he places it on the window seal. Weird.

"Ready?" He has a wild glint in his eyes.

"For what?" I ask but I'm too late. He hugs me tight to his body and I get a sense of vertigo as I feel the wind brush through my hair. I look around and realize, we're in mid-air, plummetting toward the pool.


We both sink down into the water and come floating back up. Jace's arm is still hugging tight around my waist while he swims with the other. I want to be angry at him for getting my dress wet, but that was really fun. I burst into laughter with him. We're the only two people in the pool and everyone is staring at us.

As I open my eyes and notice them, I stop laughing and feel my cheeks warm up. Yikes. This is very unusual for the cute, nerdy girl.

And then two more guys jump into the pool. I guess Jace and I just turned this place into a pool party.

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