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Cops come storming into the frat house. Most of the party-goers have already cleared out. Other than a couple of stragglers, the cops find me, Jace, Char and the bloody guy on the floor.

"You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can, and will, be used against you in a court of law...."

The cop starts his spiel as he stands me up and handcuffs my arms. They proceed to do the same with Jace. They take Char and the guy on the floor to a hospital while Jace and I are taken to the police station....
Damn. This is not how I thought my Wednesday morning would be going.

At the station:

They sit Jace and I in different rooms. They bring a cup of water and begin their interrogation.

"What's your name?"

"Maeve Preston"

"Where are you?"

"Uh...the police station? An interrogation room?"

"How much did you have to drink tonight?"

I try to think back on if I had any drinks tonight

"Some water." I reply innocently.

"How old are you?"


I start to get annoyed with all these stupid questions. They're not asking anything about Char or why Jace is covered in blood or why that pervert was beaten to a pulp.

"Look, I'll cooperate. But you guys aren't asking anything important. I know why that guy was all bloody and-"

The cop interrupts

"We just need to get all the information filled out before we can start getting your statement. Please be patient and cooperative."

He says in a monotone. Obviously he's not super interested in what I have to say. I need to get his attention.

"He was going to rape her!" I blurt out.

The cops eyes widen. He likely assumed it was just two drunk frats having a spat.

"Who?" He asks with a new found eagerness

"The guy who you sent to the hospital. I walked in on him....uh..." I start to feel embarrassed saying this out loud, "undressing my friend. She was unconscious. I grabbed his shoulder and pushed him off her. He clawed at me and I choked him out."

Not exactly the order of events but I'm not lying.

"Then Jace came in and saw him attack me so he attacked back in my defense."

Ok that may be a lie, but Jace didn't exactly have a reason to attack. Though I'm still grateful he did. The guy looked like he was planning something before Jace burst in. I'm going to do everything I can to keep Jace out of jail.

The cop starts writing my statement down, almost with excitement. As if this is the most entertainment he's seen today.

"Thank you for your cooperation." The cop says as he leaves the room.

A few moments later, he comes back and opens the door, gesturing me out.

"You're free to go miss. Your statements added up." The cop tells me.

I leave the room and find Jace sitting on a chair, his face in his hands. He looks up as he hears me approach.

"Look Maeve, I'm so sorry you had to see that. I don't know what came over me but I-"

I interrupt him with a hug. I feel tears in my eyes as I realize how scared I was. I walked in on someone trying to rape my best friend and when I confronted him, he looked like he was going to hurt me too.

"Thank you." Is all I can muster before I break into tears on Jace's shoulder. I kneel down, sobbing.

Jace, looking awkward, puts his arm around me and leads me outside. It's morning now. We walk out to a park across the street from the station as all my fears that have been building suddenly come flowing out of me.

"I've never been arrested... before and I was... so worried. I attacked him! I could go to jail for this!...then I was worried you'd go to jail and I just so scared that I didn't or couldn't save char... He....he looked like he wanted to hurt me too...." I rant it all out while Jace lets me lay against his chest. We sit calmly in the grass as I sob.

"I was scared too.." He whispers.

I sit up and look at him, tears still glazing my sight.

He slumps down

"I scared when I saw your arms. I knew he had hurt you. I thought I was too late.... And then you told me he was attacking Chardonnay....and I..."

He chuckles.

"I'm terrible for saying it but I was relieved he wasn't after you. I don't know Chardonnay well but I'm just glad he didn't really hurt you."

He smiles at me. I smile back

"I'm glad you were there." I chuckle

"I'm actually sorta surprised you were. After I came back to the party, you seemed really standoffish. I didn't think you'd even talk to me."

Jace's expression becomes serious.

"'s because-"


A gun fires.

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