The Male Gaze

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Now back to the story

Chase parks the car and looks at me.

"Now that you've cooled down, you're gonna listen. Stay away from those boys and out of my business. You're little act has them chasing their tails trying to please you instead of doing there jobs. So be a good girl, go home and keep your panties on."

He smirks at me but his eyes are unwavering.

"Are you bipolar or just deranged?" I glare back.

"You stalk and flirt with me and then have the audacity to tell me to 'keep it in my pants'? You're fucking delusional! And ya know, I wasn't even interested in Jace until you said something. But Now? Ho ho, now! Maybe I'll go fuck him just because!"

His smirk falters

I'm so confused with this guy. He stalked me and even violated me in the shower and then takes me for a the ride of my life only to tell me to Fuck off afterwards? What the hell is going on?!

His smirk returns

"Huh you're pretty determined to piss me off princess. You'll even fuck some frat boy just to get on my nerves."

Like I'd screw Jace just to get back at him. Whatever, it's not like I knew that'd piss him off. How was I supposed to know Jace worked for this asshole? And what work even is that?!

"What does Jace do for you? What even is your business?" I ask sassily although I am curious.

Chase hesitates before answering.

"You better hope you never find out." He finally replies

and then unlocks the door. Gesturing for me to leave. Obviously he thinks the conversation is over.

"No! We're not done here. What the hell was all the crap in the shower about punishing me for interfering with your business? What did I even do?"

I start to ask but Chase gets out of the car and opens my door, gesturing again for me to leave.

I glare up at him, refusing to leave until my questions are answered.

He scoffs and then smiles a crooked smile.
He looks devious.

He reaches down and drags me out of the car. I struggle the whole way but my 5'4 figure is no match for his 6 ft body. Once I'm out of the car, he hoists me up on his shoulder and I suddenly feel very vulnerable with my still wet dress stretching over my not-so-little ass.
I feel him move his head to look at me and heat flushes my cheeks as I punch at his back. I feel like a sack of potatoes he's carrying around on his shoulder. He walks down the walkway and puts me down, my cheeks red, probably from the gravity...

He locks the car. As though I would run back inside.

"Now be a good girl" he smiles with a sarcastic wink

I'm so shocked by what he just did, I'm not even sure what to say. To prevent myself from saying something embarrassing or stupid, I decide to turn and walk inside the house. Since obviously I cant out power him. As I begin walking, Chase whispers just loud enough for me to hear.

"The next boy that touches you is dead. You're mine."

I pause to process this before quickly turning to see Chase already in his car, driving away.

I....don't know what he means. But I don't have time to focus on it, I need to check on Char.

I walk inside the frat house. Once again, the smell of booze and sex is apparent and I make my way through the crowd. Griffins playing beer pong at one of the tables with some other guys. Char isn't there.

I make my usual rounds looking for Char again. I notice Jace glance at me shyly but he doesn't speak or even come near me. He must actually be afraid of "Mr. Winston".

I head upstairs and start looking through the rooms. In the third room, I overlooked the baggy blanket on the floor until I saw Char's red hair poking out. I also noticed there was a half naked guy on top of what I thought was said pile of blankets.

"Char?" I ask in my polite voice.

The drunken guy on top of her looks back at me through the dark room. He mumbles something I can't understand. No response from Char though.

"Chaaar? Are you asleep?" I ask as I walk into the room.

"Git...out!" The guys mumbles, swinging his arm behind himself.

I walk closer. Now I can see Char's face from under the blanket. She's out cold and this guy, is trying to undress her.

It takes me a moment to let what's happening sink in. Holy shit, this guy's gonna rape Chardonnay! I need to do something!!

I launch myself at the guy on top of her and twist his shoulder so he faces me. I land hard on him with a thud and without any clothing to grasp, grab his neck, threatening to squeeze.

"What the fuck do you think you're doing?" I grumble in the most sinister voice I can

"He-ey.. chill, we were just getting cozy. She said she was cold and I thought Id warm her up" he giggles, his eyes glazed over in a short fantasy.

"You were taking her clothes off!" I growl

"Haven't you heard? Skin to skin contact is how you keep warm in the wild" he winks

I squeeze my fist around his neck

"Don't ever touch my friend again! Don't touch anyone, Ever! You disgusting pervert!"

His arms struggle against me as the lack of oxygen sobers him up. I slam his head against the wall and he claws at my arm. I let go as he crawls out from under me. I hear Char move positions. The guy looks at Char and then back at me. He looks like he's deciding what to do next. And then he smirks as he reaches out toward me...

Jace comes bursting through the door. A look of worry on his face. He looks at me and then the guy on the floor.

"Did someone fall?" He asks, looking confused.

Neither me or the guy respond. Instead we glare at each other as the guy drops his arm. Jace follows my gaze.

"I heard a noise-"

"Damn bitch, choked me out." He mumbles.

Jace looks at the guy and then at his throat. He looks at me like he's about to say something and then pauses. He sees the claw marks on my arm.

Jace's face goes red and in an instant, he's grabbing the pervert on the floor and slamming the door into him. Jace goes into a sort of angry frenzie, beating the shit out of the guy while I wake Char. Griffin and some other party people hear the commotion and head up to investigate. I was planning to walk out of here with Char but now the whole hallways blocked. Great.

Char weakly mumbles at me and tries to stand but I keep her down under the blanket. She doesn't need to show off her naked body to even more people at this party.

I look at Jace and realize he's beaten the other guy to a bloody pulp. I dunno what amount of pain he deserves for what he was going to do to Char but I do know Jace could go to jail for this so I step in.

"Jace! Jace stop! It's ok... he's done."

I yell to him over the crowd that's cheering him on. I grab Jace's shoulder and his face shoots to look at me, fury in his eyes for a second before he snaps out and realizes it's me. He looks confused for a moment and then stands up, looking at his bloody knuckles.

"Shit ... Are you ok?... Did he....hurt you?"

He says with sincere concern in his expression. Jace looks down at my arms again and I follow his gaze to the claw marks left there.

"No. I'm ok. That....guy, was trying to hurt Char. I stopped him and he left me these." I explain awkwardly. The crowd died down when Jace stopped but now I could swear I hear, a different, distinct sound outside. Like sirens.

Oh shit, someone called the cops...

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