Chapter 2

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Ten years later on July 30th, Harry Potter was sitting awake on his bed in his small broom cupboard under the stairs, counting down to midnight.












'Happy Birthday Harry.' Tom whispered.

"Thanks Tom." Harry whispered before his eyes closed.

When the eleven year old opened his eyes the next morning, it was to the shouting of the resident muggles. "FREAK! GET DOWN HERE AND MAKE BREAKFAST OR YOU WILL REGRET IT!" His whale of an Uncle shouted. Harry didn't say anything, instead he crawled quickly from under the stairs and into the kitchen. Quickly putting on some coffee and some bacon and eggs he set the table. After thirty minutes, the food was finished. Loud thuds hit the stairs. "THE FOOD BETTER BE FINISHED FREAK!" Harry flinched before juggling everything to the table.

Petunia snatched everything from him and smacked him away. "No food for you! You took forever!" She hissed at him before turning to his cousin. "Now Duddykins, eat up. I don't like the sound of that school food." The horse like woman of an aunt cooed as she piled food on his cousin's plate.

"Nonsense Tunia! Smelting's never done wrong by me! I got all I needed!" Harry's whale of an Uncle said loudly, jiggling his bloated stomach.

'Ew' Harry thought disgustedly.

There was a knock at the door. "Dudley, get the mail." Vernon said as he flipped through the newspaper.

"Make Harry get it." Dudley said, eating like a pig.

"Get the mail freak."

Harry frowned. "Make Dudley get it."

"Smack him with your stick Dudley." Vernon spoke, glaring over the newspaper in his hands. Dudley smirked and grabbed his Smelting Stick, swinging at his cousin.

Harry ducked under it with a yelp and practically ran to the door. Though as he was sorting through the mail, he noticed something odd. There was a letter addressed to him.

Harry Potter,
Cupboard under the stairs,
Number 4 Private Drive, Surrey.

'That's your Hogwarts letter. Don't let them see it.' Tom informed him, just as Harry was about to walk into the room. He nodded quickly and shoved it into his pocket.

"Hurry up Freak!" Vernon called, irritation coloring his voice. Harry quickly handed him the mail and retreated to the corner of the room just as Petunia got off of the phone.

"Figg can't watch the boy. She fell and broke her leg. We will have to take him with us." Petunia informed Vernon.

Dudley started to cry. "I don't want him to come with us! He will ruin everything like always! Make him leave!"

Petunia rushed over to him and wrapped him in a hug. "Oh Dudders! He won't ruin anything this time! He can stay in the car!" She cooed.

Internally, Harry was happy he didn't have to go to the crazy cat lady. However, he didn't want to just sit in the car. Vernon put down the paper. "He is not staying in the car. I don't want it ruined. He can... Come with us and if any funny business happens, he will regret it." Vernon scowled at Harry, who nodded quickly.

Petunia frowned. "Fine. Hurry up and straighten yourself up. We are going into public so we must look like a normal family."

So Harry found himself a short time later crammed against the door with Pier Polkiss sending insults his way. They weren't even good insults so they were not even worth listening to. Except one.

'Your birth certificate is an apology letter from the condom factory.'

Harry liked that one. The rest were kind of... Bleh. Petunia helped Dudley out of the car once they got to the zoo, before turning to Harry. "You will stay behind us and don't even ask for anything."

"Yes ma'am." Harry muttered, head down and hoping that they ignore him for the day.

Turns out, everything was going okay until they hit the Reptile House and then everything went down hill.

Dudley was pounding on the glass of a rare snake trying to get it to move. "Make it move Dad! I want it to move!"

Vernon rapped smartly on the glass. "Get up snake." The snake seemed to turn away from them and tighten it's coils. Vernon repeated it again, but the snake still ignored him.

Piers sighed before pulling Dudley away to another case. "Let's go Dudley. It's just a stupid snake anyway."

They shoved Harry into the glass and he fell to the floor. All of the glass in the Reptile House vanished and the snakes started to slither out. 'I ssshould eat the ssstupid humansss! They have been keeping me captive!' A soft hissing was heard.

Harry froze as the snake moved closer and he finally got a good look at it. It was a young basilisk since Harry was able to look at its eyes. Basilisk's don't get their killing eyes until they are about ten years of age. The basilisk in front of him was black with a green tint to its scales. It was almost ten feet long. 'Beautiful...' Harry spoke aloud.

The basilisk hissed at him. 'Ssspeaker!' It said, shocked. Moving a little closer to the boy on the ground. Harry tensed.


'I will be your familiar.' The basilisk decided before it vanished from sight. Harry hissed as a tattoo appeared around his neck, like the snake was curled around it.

"FREAK!" Vernon shouted, stomping towards him.

'Run Harry! RUN!' Tom shouted at him. The young raven scrambled up and ran away following Tom's instructions to get to a safe place. After a few hours he ran until he seen a big manor in front of him with large white peacocks strutting around the grounds.

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