Chapter 23

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Second year was lonely for Hadrian but he still ruled the school with an iron fist. He was more closed off as well but the students second year and above understood that he was missing his friend (boyfriend to the upper years who had a running bet on when they would get married, not that they would tell Hadrian or Tom that). So the year passed with no drama and constant letters from Tom informing him that Durmstrang was under his control.

The second summer since Hogwarts started was interesting to say the least. Hadrian and the Malfoy's were invited to stay the summer at Beauxbeatons. Good thing they all spoke French.

That is where this chapter begins.

As with Durmstrang, the French school of magic did not let out during the summer. And they also practiced Dark Arts as part of the curriculum. They believed highly in the equality of magic so the Light, Grey, and Dark Arts were all practiced. It is why they are the leading school in Europe.

(For my sake and everybody else's all dialogue will be in English and not french.)

"Welcome Lord and Lady Malfoy! I hope you enjoy your stay at our beautiful school this summer!" Madame Maxime welcomed them at the entrance.

"Thank you Madame for the invitation." Lucius said politely.

The large woman looked around the blonde lord to the two boys standing next to Narcissa. "I will have one of my best students show this two around if you would allow while we talk about things." The headmistress offered with a kind smile.

"That would be lovely, thank you." Narcissa smiled.

A few minutes later a fifteen year old girl who was obviously part creature was called into the room that they all were waiting in. "You called Madame?" The tall blonde girl asked in a chiming voice that sounded almost like bells.

"Yes Miss Delacour. If you could show these two around the school?" Madame Maxime asked?

The girl nodded before smiling and introducing herself to the two boys. "My name is Fleur Delacour. Who might you two be?"

Draco looked at his mother and father real quick, and recieving a nod, introduced himself. "My name is Draco Malfoy, Heir to the House of Malfoy."

Fluer kissed both of his cheeks. "Well met Heir Malfoy." She turned to Hadrian. "And you?"

Hadrian simply narrowed his eyes and Lucius stepped forward to rest a hand on his shoulder. "This is Hadrian Peverell. He is not much of a talker since his companion left last year." Lucius said for Hadrian who continued to look around.

"P-Peverell?" Madame Maxime froze.

"Indeed. He is the last of his line." Narcissa wrapped an arm around his shoulder and he leaned into her a little. "He would not be an issue here would he?" She narrowed her eyes threateningly.

"No. The Lord Death is the Patron for most of this school including dear Fleur here. He will be safe in this school." Madame Maxime gently patted Fleur's shoulder. "Go on dear. Show them around the school."

"Come on. I know the first place to go!" Fleur exclaimed as she lead Draco and Hadrian from the room. They walked down the halls before turning into a giant room filled with books and a few students. "This is our library. It is not nearly as big as the library at Hogwarts is said to be but it is still pretty big and as a bonus just through those doors right there-" she gestured to the doors on the opposite side of the room, "is the kitchens so we can have snacks as we read. Our library has all kinds of books, from Dark to Light." She paused before turning to Draco and Hadrian. Hadrian gently ran a hand over a book cover vaguely recognizing the letters as an ancient one that is almost forgotten. "If you guys do not mind me asking, what are your affinities?"

Draco shrugged. "I am a dark wizard." He didn't really care about being here really.

Fleur turned to Hadrian hoping for an answer as well but he seemed pretty engrossed in a book. She frowned before moving to sit on a nearby couch as they looked at some books.

"Neutral but slightly dark." A voice startled her out of her thoughts after ten minutes or so.

She gaped at Hadrian, surprised that he even talked to her, but he acted like nothing had happened.

Draco noticed her expression and gently grabbed her hand to lead her away a little bit. "Don't worry about it. He is missing his companion who has, in a way, been with him since birth. He got expelled at the end of last year and had to go to Durmstrang. Since then he has been more closed off than before." He watched as Hadrian continued to read as he laid flat on the floor.

Fleur nodded. "Okay." She tilted her head. "Are you also part veela?"

Draco smirked. "Now that would be telling, wouldn't it?"

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