Ch. 10 Time To Fight

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The break was finally over and it was time to announce the matchups for the next event. I was still kinda bummed I didn't make it to fourth but there's always next year, right?

As I stood there with a pout on my face I heard Ojiro, one of my classmates speak up. It sounded like he was forfeiting the match because he felt like he didn't earn the right to be there

'That's pretty humble of him but he should really take this chance to prove himself. I guess the purple haired jackass really made him upset...'  I glanced at said boy.

"And why are all the girls dressed like cheerleaders?" He asked with a faint blush on his face and that's when I realized I forgot to change.

I then hid behind the closest person next to me which happened to be the manly redhead, Kirishima. He gave me a questioning look than let out a quiet "oh" as if to signify that he understood then stepped in front of me completely.

I gave him a smile then let out a small thank you. I didn't hide myself because I was insecure about my body but more so that I didn't like the fact the thousands of people saw me dressed like the way I was. Some people are creepy and it made me a bit uncomfortable.

Out of the corner of my eye I saw Bakugo slap both Kaminari and Mineta in the back of the head. I let out a laugh then focused on what was going on in front of me.

"I shall let it be! In that case to replace your spots I'll let the team that placed fifth  chose who they want to participate in the next event!" Midnight announced.

"WAIT WHAT?" I looked over at Kendo since she was the team captain.

"Our team decided to let Y/N and Tetsu play, even if Tetsu wasn't on our team we feel that they deserve this more." I watched Kendo with a concerned face

"Don't look at me like that. We all agreed the you worked harder than the rest of us and it's time for you to prove your worth." I smiled at her with tears in my eyes. "Same goes for you Tetsu!" She stated.

We both ran to her, hugging the life out of Kendo. "THANK YOU!" We shouted.

"L-let go! I can't b-breathe!" We then let go of her and gave her two toothy grins.

"Stop looking at me like that you dorks." She looked away from us as her face showed embarrassment.

The match ups were then finally posted and it seemed like I was up against Kaminari. Perfect, now I can teach him a lesson for making me wear such embarrassing clothes!

I guess as I was thinking that I also had a look on my face that didn't seem to be a cheerful one because as soon as I looked at my opponent he cowered behind Katsuki.

"Serves you right dumbass." Bakugo stated as he tried to figure out who Uraraka was. Geez he sucks at names.

Once everyone found out who they were facing, we all headed to the student seating area.

Midorya was the first one up against the purple haired buttface. I didn't pay too much attention at first until I saw Izuku walk towards the out line.

"Crap that jerk brainwashed Deku just like he did to me. I don't think it's possible for him to get out of this.'

I watched intensely as the match continued. Izuku somehow was able to break out of the trance by activating his quirk. I surprised me honestly, I thought he was gonna lose for sure but I'm glad he pulled through and kicked his ass out of bounds.

There was about a ten minute break before the next mach up began so I decided that this gave me a chance to confront the purple haired insomniac.

I ran down the halls of the stadium till I finally found him. "Hey you!"

He turned around confused before his face went blank. "What do you want?" He sounded as if I ruined his entire day by just standing there.

I sighed. "I want an apology."

"For calling you quirkless? I can't feel sorry for something that's true." He scoffed.

That annoyed me. I gave him a shove. "Say it again. I dare you."

"Or wha-" His eyes went dull.

"Exactly. How does it feel jerk. Just because it wasn't useful to you doesn't mean I doesn't exist. I'm not just here by miracle, I worked for what I have. Don't just assume things about people just because you don't know them." I then broke the brainwash.

He looked at me with confusion and surprise yet he didn't say anything. I took that as my sign to leave since I had nothing more to say.

Once I finally got back to the arena I saw Sero and Todoroki standing against each other. This doesn't look anywhere close to fair.

I mean I'm not gonna lie but I was kinda hoping that maybe Sero would pull off some kind of cool trick but the fight was over in almost an instant. Todoroki let out a huge ice attack and half of the stadium was frozen. I felt kinda bad for Sero and it seemed like everyone else did too because everyone started chanting "Nice Try!"

After the ice finally melted it was my turn. I was gonna be able to kick Denki's ass for messing with me.

"Hey Momo, do you mind if I barrow your quirk?"

She looked at me kindly. "Not at all. It makes me happy that you wanna use it. Just know what you want to make and how to make it before you use it though. It's better to plan ahead."

I smile and nod before tapping her shoulder and running out to the arena. I stand at my spot facing Kaminari as I start to activate Momo's quirk.

"BEGIN!" Midnight declares.

I began to make an insolation sheet behind my back kinda like the one Momo made during the USJ event but smaller.

I then look at Denki as if I'm nervous. "Please go easy on me!" I clap my hands together as if I were begging him not to hurt me

Kaminari sighs as if it's such a hard thing to do. "Sorry (Y/n) but I have to win this. Maybe afterwards we can go out to dinner as an apology." He then starts up his quirk.

"Looks like it can't be helped." I sigh as he then fires his quirk.

I grab the sheet from behind me then quickly cover myself. I begin to make a bat as I wait for the electricity to pass over.

I throw off the sheet then change at my opponent. I swing at Denki with full force knocking h out of bounds. "That's for lying to the girls in 1-A perv." I huff out.

I hear my brother laughing from the stands then mocking my classmates. I sigh before making a baseball in my hand. I reel it back before aiming at him and throwing at full force.

The girls in my class send me a thumbs up and I do the same back to them I also see Kendo drag him to his seat. 'What a pain'

Word count 1240

Not dead folks just passed out and hit my head on the way down. I'm up now but don't expect much as I have always been bad at being consistent. Anyway I'll be back!

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