Ch. 4 Hero Basics

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It was the second day of school and classes were pretty normal.

I was pretty excited for to be at U.A. because I got to be taught by pro heroes. It always made me happy whenever I would see them on TV but having them in the same place as me just made me wanna explode with happiness. Although I have to admit that I should chill out with the whole hero obsession.

It was currently our lunch break and I was debating on where to sit. I was thinking about sitting with Izuku but then again I haven't really talked to him that much so I decided to leave him alone. Then there was Katsuki but he seemed to be eating with his friends so my last result was to sit with my brother.

I was walking over to where he was sitting about to sit down when he gave me a look.

"What are you doing?" He asked. "I am not about to let you sit here just because you're too scared to make friends."

"Hey! I'm not scared...I just don't know how to approach people." I responded with a little embarrassment, because truthfully I was a little scared.

"Why don't you just go find Kendo? I'm sure she would be more than happy to sit with you."

"Oh yeah! I completely forgot she was in your you class. Thanks Neito!" And with that I was of to find my best friend.

"KENDOOOO!!" I yelled as I ran to her lunch table.

"Y/N!! I'm so glad to see you, although I'm a little sad we aren't in the same class though." She said as she hugged me.

"Haha, yeah I've kinda been a nervous wreck without you."

"Are you still dealing with that anxiety of yours? I told you there is nothing for you to worry about, if you just be yourself people will love being your friend." Kendo said looking at me reassuringly.

"Maybe you're right. You know what from now on I'm going to stop overthinking things and just be myself." I said with full determination in my voice.

"ALRIGHT Y/N!! YOU CAN DO IT!!" Kendo encourages.


"What the hell is she doing?" Neito said as he watched his sister and her best friend act like lunatics.

It was finally time for our afternoon class, Hero Basics. I was honestly super excited to finally be training to be a hero.

"I AM HERE, COMING THROUGH THE DOOR!!" A thunderous voice said from right outside the classroom.

'I know that voice! Who wouldn't know that voice?!'

"Hello students, who's ready for Hero Basics!" All Might asks as he stands in front of the classroom.

'Oh My Gosh!! ALL MIGHT IS OUR TEACHER FOR HERO TRAINING!!' I fangirl internally

"WELL YOU CAN'T BE HEROES WITHOUT...THESE!" All Might say as he presses a button that allows suitcases with numbers on them to come out of the wall. "THESE ARE YOUR HERO COSTUMES. NOW GO GET CHANGE AND MEET ME OUTSIDE."

After he said that I grabbed my costume an headed to the locker room.

The costume has some cat like features

"Woah your costume is soo cute, but why a cat? Last time I checked your quirks was explosions, like Bakugo's." The pink girl said from beside me. "Oh by the way mine name's Ashido Mina, but you can call me Mina."

"Oh um my name's (Y/n) and actually, my costume relates more to my hero name then to my quirk." I tell her and the other girls that are nearby. "And my quirk isn't explosions, it's copy. I can copy someones quirk and appearance."

"Wow that's super cool, by the way I'm Hakagure!" An invisible girl exclaims

"The name's Momo and if I may ask, what is your hero name?" A pretty girl with raven hair asks.

"Oh uh it's um CopyCat"

"That name fits perfectly. I'm Ururaka by the way." The cute brunette states. "Hey, by any chance do you wanna hang out with me and my friends later."

"Sure I'd love to."

The rest of the girls finish up and we all head to Ground Beta.

"Wow everyone's costumes are so cool!" I say to myself.


After All Might explained today's class everyone went to pick their slots. I ended being partnered up with Iida and I find out he was a genuinely nice person and now we're friends.

After everyone got their slots Bakugo was the last to go.

"I'm going against Deku" Bakugo stated

"WHO'S DEKU?!" All Might asks, unknown of the freckle-boy's nickname.

"That would be me sir." Izuku sadly responds.


Right now Iida, Bakugo, and I are discussing our game plan.

"Deku's mine. You can defend the weapon or whatever but just don't get in my way."

"Ok, but you should at least hear our plan Bakugo."

"Yes I believe that teamwork is our top priority."

"Listen nerds, I don't give a damn what you do. Just stay out of my way." Bakugo says then walks away.

"Well I guess our plan should still work without him."

After that me and Iida continue strategizing until it was time to start.

In the building
Right now Iida and I were guarding the missile after Katsuki ran off to fight Deku.

"Alright well since we're villains we should at least play the part." Iida says then start to get into character. "These foolish hero can never defeat me MUAHAHA"

Iida then starts monologuing and I can't help but laugh.

"What is so funny Monoma. Do you also laugh at how foolish those heroes are."

"Wow okay well since you are I guess I can play the part too" I say then try my best to sound evil. "How silly of those puny heroes to think they can foil our great plans NEAHAHA"

'To be honest this is kinda fun' I smile at the thought.

Iida continues monologuing and I join him until we hear Ururaka laughing at us.

"Come out now you adorable hero and feel my rathe!" I say towards Ururaka

"Monoma you can't compliment the enemy if you are trying to destroy her."

"Okay fine. Come out and face us you foul foe"

Ururaka comes out and begins fighting us. I copy Iida's quirk and try to get to her fast enough to capture her with the tape. I was so close until she touched me before I could get her.

"I can't believe this adorable hero was able to defeat me, oh the pain." I pout as I'm floating through the air.

In the end the heroes won and we lost. Bakugo seemed the most upset and I could tell why. I mean how would you feel if someone you thought you could beat no problem proves themselves to be  stronger than you imagined, i would be a little discouraged if you ask me.

I was going to try to talk to him after class but he left early so I didn't get a chance.

Although I wasn't able to make my old friend feel better I was still glad I was able to make new ones and keep the ones I had.

Word count: 1281
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