Ch. 3 Quirk Assesment Test

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Third Person POV
It's been a week since the exam and (Y/n) was starting to get nervous.

"Hey sis, you got mail. It's from U.A." Neito said tossing the envelope to her. She caught it not before she started panicking first.

"C-can you open it for me, please?" She asked her brother hopefully.

"You can be such a wimp sometimes, it's sad." He deadpanned.

"Give it here and I'll tell you if you passed, and if you fail I won't say anything."

"Okay. Thanks Neito." (Y/n) smiled and handed him back the envelope. Neito walked in his room with both envelopes and shut the door.

After about ten minutes Neito finally opened the door. (Y/n) smiled waited for him to say something but instead he just handed her back the opened envelope and walked away. (Y/n)'s expression did a complete 180, she began to feel depressed among this rejection. That was until she heard her obnoxious twin brother snickering down the hall.

She blinked with a tick mark appearing on her face. "NEITO YOU'RE DEAD." The said boy burst out laughing due to the fact that his dear sister fell for his little prank. Realizing she couldn't trust her brother she just watched the video herself.

~Time Skip~
(Y/N)'s POV
It was finally the first day of school and I was currently at the door to my classroom having a mini panic attack. 'What if I got in just out of luck? What if I'm not strong enough to be here? WHAT IF ALL THESE PEOPLE ARE WAY STRONGER THAN ME?' These were all thoughts running through my head.

"Um are you okay?" I heard a familiar voice from behind me.

"Oh um yes, just nervous is all." I replied to the green haired boy.

"Oh, I can understand that. By the way my name is Midoriya Izu-"

I cut him off. "I know Izuku. So you still don't remember me, I'm hurt." I faked my sadness, putting a hand to my heart.

"I-I'M SORRY I DIDN'T MEAN TO HURT YOUR FEELINGS." He started panicking and I couldn't help but laugh at his response.

"I was just kidding Deku. The name is Monoma (Y/n) by the way."

His eyes widened with realization. "Oh. You're the girl from the park, when we were little. The one with the cool quirk." I smiled slightly at his words.

"Well we should get inside- Wait I just realized we're in the same class!!" I looked at him beaming with excitement. He chuckled softly as I opened the door.

"-Looks like I'll have fun crushing you!" Bakugo replies to the blue haired boy from the exam.

'Oh no' was all that came to mind. I didn't say this cause I was scared of Katsuki, I said this because I realized I wasn't ready yet to be around new people. Just when I was about to sneak over to my seat hoping no one would notice, I hear someone call out to my direction.

'Oh gosh. Not now. Just let me be.' I panic internally. "Hello, my name is Iida Tenya." The blue haired boy states as he walks to our direction.

"H-hello. My name is Monoma (Y/n). It's nice to meet you." I curse myself for stuttering. "Same here." Iida replies and goes over to Deku.

I let out a sigh, glad to finally go to my seat. I sit down in the back corner next to a boy with really pretty dual colored eyes. He looked soo cool, even his hair was different colors.

I sit quietly thinking of how this school year will be while waiting for our homeroom teacher, then all of a sudden I see a giant yellow caterpillar? Then I see a man come out and for some reason I feel like I've seen him before. Anyway, he tells us he's our teacher and tells us to put on a P.E. uniform and head outside.

~Time Skip~
We were all heading to the field when I spotted Bakugo. I went over to him because he was the only person I knew besides Izuku, but he was with his new friends so I didn't wanna bother him.

"H-hey Bakugo" I said as I approached my friend, or at least I thought of him that way.

"What the hell to do you want, Copy Nerd?" I saddened at his words but smiled and replied. "I just wanted to say sorry for using your quirk without asking you first. I just didn't know how to ask you w-without feeling awkward."

"Tch, whatever idiot. I don't care if you use my damn quirk so just shut up already." Was all he said then walked away. I was relieved he wasn't mad and that fact relaxed me a little and I was ready for what was to come.

I was with the rest of my classmates on the field but there was a slight problem...I couldn't see. It wasn't that I had bad vision, it was just something blocking my vision. The bi-colored haired boy was standing in front of me and me being the shy person I am, I didn't have the guts to tell him my issue.

"Hey can you see from right there? You look like you're struggling. Do you need help?" A boy with spiky red hair that was standing beside me asked. I feel my face heat up a little from embarrassment. I nod my head slightly

He gives me a thumbs up and taps the boy's shoulder in front of me. "Hey dude, the girl behind you can't see. Do you mind if she stands in front of you?" The boy standing in front of me then turns to look at me then nods and steps aside.

"Sorry for causing you both trouble." The one with the spikey hare gave me a smile . They replied with an 'It's fine.' and 'I just did what I thought was manly.' This made you smile to know that you didn't accidentally bother anyone.

We were finally done and I happened to use Bakugo's quirk for most of it since apparently he didn't mind. I also realized that our teacher, Mr. Aizawa, was the pro hero Eraserhead. He is in my top ten of hero's because he doesn't like the spotlight just as much as I don't but he is still a cool hero.

I'm kinda scared to see the results though. Not for me but for Midoriya, he wasn't really doing that great in anything except for the ball toss. I hope he doesn't get expelled.

Once we saw the results I was a bit proud of myself cause I got 8th place, but I also could have done better. But not soon after my heart fell. 'Izuku is in last place which means he's gonna get ex—'

Aizawa sensei interrupted my thoughts with a "I lied, no one is getting expelled." To be honest I kinda wanted to hit him for saying that, even if he is one of my favorite heroes.

Finally it was time to go home. I was packing up my thing and getting ready to leave when the redhead from earlier stopped me.

"Hey, I meant to tell you this earlier but I'm glad you're okay." He said. I looked at him slightly confused. 'Was he talking about earlier when I couldn't see. Why wouldn't I be okay.'

"Oh right, sorry I forgot that you were unconscious. Do you remember during the exam when you almost got crushed by the Megabot? Well I had saved you but right after you passed out so I kinda assumed you might have gotten hurt."

My eyes widened and I blushed due to the fact that the first time I interact with a new person I pass out cause my stupid quirk tires me out.

"I-I'm so sorry for doing that and also thanks for helping me. Again I'm really sorry." I say with full embarrassment.

"OI (Y/N)! I'M GOING TO LEAVE YOU IF YOU DON'T HURRY UP!" I could hear Neito yelling from outside my classroom. I apologize once more to the redhead and ran over to my brother.

"Geez what took you so long, you know what I don't even care. Come on let's hurry before mom starts nagging us about being late." And with that we headed home.

Word count: 1418

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