Ch. 1 Stronger

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Middle School

No one's POV
"(YYY/NNN)!! WAKE UP OR YOU'LL BE LATE!!" You heard your mom calling you from down stairs. You sat up feeling horrible like you do every morning. It's not that you felt sick you just hate mornings in general.

"Wow you look terrible, not that you ever look good. I just thought I would tell you." You glared at your brother as he stood in the door way to your room.

"You have three seconds to leave before I kick you're ass." You say with your usual morning attitude. Neito laughed then walked away.

You're usually a pretty sweet person but in the morning you just don't have the energy to deal with that.

You got up to do your usual morning routine then headed downstairs for breakfast. You had your usual breakfast which was eggs, toast, and a cup of juice. You told your mom bye as you and your brother headed to the bus stop.

You weren't really fond of school, not because you were bad at it but because of the bullying. Ever since you and Neito were little you both would get picked on and bullied for your quirks. After a while they stopped messing with your brother because they were tired of arguing with a smart ass like him. But this caused it to be harder on you.

You never told Neito cause you didn't want to worry him so you just kept your mouth shut. Although your brother was an ass sometimes he was still there for you whenever you needed him and the same goes for him. You always had each other's back.

~Time Skip~
(Y/N)'a POV
I was walking down the hallway with Kendo heading to class when Kendo left to go to the restroom.

I was now walking by myself hoping nothing bad would happen but of course something always does.

Two girls approached me looking like they wanted to pick a fight. "Heh. Miyoko look it's the quirkless girl." The two girls laughed then pushed me to the wall.

"Too bad neither you jerk faced brother or your annoying gorilla friend aren't here to protect you huh." 'Did she just call Kendo a gorilla' You sighed and got up to go to class.

The girls apparently weren't done with me yet and kicked me in my back leading me to fall face flat on the floor. I groaned in pain and felt a warm liquid coming from my nose. 'Just great, how could this get any worse than it already is.'

Again I spoke too soon because the next thing I know is I'm in the nurse's office with a beaten up face and a fuming Neito.

"WHY DIDN'T YOU EVER SAY ANYTHING, YOU COULD HAVE AT LEAST TRIED TO FIGHT BACK!!" Neito said pacing the room. I didn't say anything because knew that for a fact I couldn't fight back. "Are you not going to say anything and just sit there looking pathetic?" You couldn't look him in the eyes.

"... I'm too weak." I mumbled. "How can you fight back when you're as weak as I am." Neito sighed and gave me a hug then walked out the room.

Neito's POV
Once I was outside of the nurse office I felt a wave of guilt hit me. 'How did I not realize that was happening to her. What kind of brother am I.' "I'm so sorry sis. I'll make sure to protect you from now on no matter what, I promise."

(Y/N)'s POV
"And I promise to stronger so I can protect you too." I said responding to my brother.

~Time Skip brought to you by Twin Telepathy~
When I walked inside the door to my house my parents immediately came running at me asking me billions of questions. "I'm okay mom it's nothing to worry about." I said with a smile hoping that they would get off my case but as expected I can never get what I want.

"Tell me what happened or I'm going down to the school to ask them myself." Mom looked furious and before I could say anything Neito said everything for me.

After the explanation my dad looked like he was gonna blow a fuse. "Mom, Dad, don't worry cause I'm going to get stronger and be able to protect myself I'll even be stronger then Neito." They gave me a small smile and went in for a group hug.

After that I would get up every morning to train. At first it felt like total hell but as time went on I got used you it. Sometimes even Neito would join me but would oped out after the first half.

As time passed I was finally strong enough and even stronger than Neito. I wasn't getting bullied anymore and I could finally stand up for myself.

Months passed and I finally felt like I could be a hero. That's when me and Neito put in an application for the U.A. Hero Coarse. Afterwards we had the date set in our calendar's and took all the time we had to train for the exam.

'Can't wait for the entrance exams'

A/N: This chapter kinda sucks but this is my first fanfic so please bear with me.☺️

Word Count: 871

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