Ch. 2 Entrance Exam

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A/N: Okay so I'm sorry if my writing is too dragged out also comment to tell me how you feel about it 😊

Today was finally the day of the entrance exam and I was so excited, possibly overly excited. When I got up this morning I choked on my breakfast because I was eating way too fast. Neito scolded me while we were  walking to U.A. High School because I was running and not really watching where I was going.

We were finally at the entrance gate when I heard a familiar sounding voice. "Oi, out of my way Deku before I set you on fire." 'Deku? Why does that sound so familiar to me.' I looked up and saw two familiar heads of hair, one stomping away while the other looked like he was panicking and that's when it hit me.

"KATSUKI. IZUKU." I said running up too the both of them

"Who the hell are you!?" Bakugo looked at me with an angry scowl and Izuku also looked confused.

'It really is them.' I smiled. I was about to to tell them who I was when I felt Neito pull me to the auditorium.

"Hey what's your name." This time it was Deku who called out to me. But instead of just telling them I wanted to have a little fun with it so I just looked back at them then waved.

As we were walking into the building I turned back to see if they realized but it looks like Bakugo was the only one to figure it out. Midoriya was still clueless. It hurt my feelings a bit but I knew he would figure it out eventually.

Once we were finally in the building I had felt a huge wave of nervousness come over me. I was sitting next so Nieto shaking like crazy and thinking of all the things that could go wrong. But what I didn't realize was that I was thinking out lout until I heard someone bring me from my thoughts.

"-and you the one shaking uncontrollably, you both have been muttering this entire time. Stop that. If you can't bother to take this seriously then leave. You're distracting the rest of us." By hearing this my face turned bright red from embarrassment. "S-Sorry"

From the right side of me, I could hear Neito snickering at what just happened. I glare at him still blushing so obviously I look even a bit intimidating. After that I start paying more attention to the entrance exam orientation.

I figured out that we had ten minutes to collect as many points as possible by defeating various robots with different skill levels. I looked at my examiner card and saw that I was in battle section A. I looked over to Neito's card to see that he was in section G. 'I guess I won't see each other during the test.'

I looked up at my brother. " Good luck bro." I gave him a smile but of course he had to say "I don't need luck" and did his cocky little laugh.

"I was being nice." I mumbled as I got up to the locker room to change into my training wear.

I walked out to section A and I was feeling a bit nervous.

"Come on (Y/n), you got this. This is what you have been training so long for, you can't chicken out now" I mumbled to myself as I was walking not paying attention where I was going when I bumped into a wall of flesh

I looked up and saw a familiar head of ash blonde hair. "Oh m-my bad Bakugo." I stuttered. 'Curse my nervousness.'

"Tch just watch whee you're going idiot!" Bakugo glared at me. I sighed feeling my nerves calm down and smiled at him. "Anyway good luck on the exam." I patted him on the back.

"Are you underestimating me." He snarled. "No I was just wishing a friend good luck." He rolled his eyes. "Yeah, whatever."

In all honesty, I was really just looking for a way for me to copy his quirk. 'Alright I have a little less than ten minutes to use his quirk so I gotta make it count.'
And with that I heard Present Mic telling us to begin.

I was running with the other examinees when we all started to go our separate routes to take out the robots. As I was blasting a three pointer, I heard Katsuki yelling from behind me. 'Crap'

"Oi what the hell? So all that shit you were talking about earlier was just so you could use my damn quirk." I was about to say something but then I saw him begin to walk away. "You're lucky this is an exam or your ass would be dead for using my quirk." He then ran off. I sighed and went on to look fo more robots.

It was near the end and I was currently at 56 points. It was enough for me to pass but I still wanted to challenge myself. That's when I saw the zero point robot right in front of me. And if things could get any worse, the time on my quirk ran out. I was quirkless.

I was scared. How was I gonna protect myself? And with that I couldn't move, my feet were frozen in place. I saw it coming but my body shut down in fear. That thing was gonna crush me and there was nothing I could do.

But all off sudden I felt my body being pushed out the way. I wasn't crushed but I was exhausted so I passed out.

Kirishima's POV
I was running away from the 0P robot when I saw a girl just standing there in front of it. She looked terrified and stuck, I couldn't just let her get crushed. So I ran to the girl and pushed her out of the way. I held her in my arms to make sure she wouldn't get hurt by the fall. When we landed I was going to ask if she was okay but she was passed out so I carried her to the nurse's office.

Once I get there I saw a tiny old lady so I assumed she must have been the nurse. "Um excuse me miss but I need your help with this girl. It was the end of the exam and she just passed out."

The old lady chuckled. "She is just tired, dearie. You can lay her on that bed over there and head back if you'd like. Don't worry she will be awake soon, now run along." And with that I left to go take the written part of the exam.

'I hope she's going to be okay'

(Y/N)'s POV
I woke up and looked around the room I was in and it seemed like I was in an infirmary. I looked over and saw an old lay who I assumed was the nurse.

"Excuse me miss but do you know how I got here?" I asked. "Well apparently you passed out due to exhaustion so someone brought you over here to see if you were okay." She said walking over to me. "Well you better hurry up now if you don't wanna miss the written part of the exam."

"Ah! T-thank you miss. And thank you for helping me, I'll be on my way now." I thanked her and headed towards the door.

"Good luck on your exam." She replied with a smile and she the door. I couldn't help but smile as I made my way to take the written portion of the exam.

Word count: 1295

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