A dark obessiton begins

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*Sky & Bloom plus what their wearing*

"You look so beautiful tonight Bloom." whispered Sky as he spinned the Fairy of the Dragon Flame around as they danced in the moonlight infront of all the guests. Bloom blushed hearing what he said just as the song finished and the two stopped dancing. Slowly they made their way off to a sitting area to rest for a bit.

'I wonder if  tonight's just a dream?' thought Bloom as she sat down watching Sky walking away to get them some punch. Sky had invited her during the school year break to the Eraklyon Founder's Day ball witch was an improtant event for the plant. It was just her, Sky and Brandon here tonight since everyone else had plans. Brandon was right now sitting beside her to keep the valtures away (AKA men who found Bloom beautiful looking).

Meanwhile Sky was dealing with his ex-fiancee who was whinning about them needing to get back togather. He didn't noticed a man put a potion into his goblit as the young prince was still aurging with Diaspro. "Enough Bloom is the only one for me Diaspro so goodbye." snapped Sky walking away with the drinks.

As he walked back to Bloom he took a drink from his goblit, unknowning things would be very diffrent. He started feeling diffrent somehow like he need someone like Dia- but his thoughts were cut off by the most enchanting giggle he ever heard. Snapping his head up Sky looked at his beloved Bloom giggling over a joke Brandon was telling her.

'She's amazing' thought Sky walking slowler so he could watch her some more, before he remember things that could have ruined their relationship. For one things she was raised on Earth for all these years meaning she had no magical guardian and since her adoptive parents couldn't come into the relams that ment one thing; she was now an orphan.

Another one was those witches who tried to steal her magic but almost killed Bloom witch made Sky's blood run cold. If he could he would find and slowly tourture those witches till they wished they were dead. Bloom needed to be protected and shelter from all the evils from the univerus, witch Sky now would make sure would happen.

'I'll make sure of it, one way or another it will happen' thought the prince darkly before he finally reach his beloves side smiling down at her as he handed her the drink. Bloom thanked him so cutly, giving him a kiss on the cheek, that Sky now wanted her more then ever.

Unknown to anyone, a dark wizard named Valtor was now watching what was happen before rubbing his chin in frustation "This wasn't suppost to happen ... no matter plans always changed and I could work with this!" Smirking darkly before he slowly vanished in a dark black pool of light, leaving like he was never there to begian with. 

Sky and Bloom had an amazing night dancing and just spending time togather, unknown to Bloom that Sky's obsession about her was growing darker by the minute. If only she knew and could try to put a stopped to it then.......

....... the future would look completely different.

Sky the Dark Obsessive PrinceWhere stories live. Discover now