Princess Ball

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*This is Chimera*

"I can't wait to see Stella and the girls again!" cried Bloom happily as she walked onto the air ship holding her boyfriend's hand. Stella's father, King Radius was holding a 'Princess Ball' in his daughter's honor and the Winx were all invited, expect no one had seen Layla since the begining of the break.

The other boys all had plans still with their parents, expect Brandon and Sky so they were coming along as well. "Hey Sky why is it called a Princess Ball for anyways?" wonder the red head as she was buckled by her Prince, meanwhile Brandon was starting up the ship and taking off. "It's call that because in the old days it was for princesses to enter into high society and once used to arrange marriages." explained Sky before sitting next to her with an serious expression on his face.

"Sky? What's wrong?" Bloom asked as Sky cupped his face before he sighed, "Bloom I need to explain something to you." Before she knew it she learned that she needed a magical guardian since her parents on Earth couldn't count and he asked a Countess from Solaria to be Bloom's. She understood that and thank Sky before hugging him, unknowing he was smirking darkly thinking 'Step one complete.'

Meanwhile on Solaria  

"Mother how much longer do I have to deal with Stella before the announcement?" demaned Chimera storming into the Countess's rooms. Sighing Cassandra shooked her head before her head shot up as she heard a air ship park near the palace 'Stranged only foreign guests invited by the King can park near here?'

She walked slowly to the window before gasping in shook as happy tears fall from her eyes; there walking hand in hand with Crown Prince Sky was her little girl Bloom! "Bloom she's here?" whispered the Countess as her eldest rushed ove as well. "OMG MY LITTLE SISTER!!" cried the raven hair girl till her eyes narrowned in annoyance seeing Stella rushing over and huging her sister.

"Mother? Dose Stella know Bloom?" asked the annoyed girl as the Countess gritting her teeth togather in anger, no daughter of hers should have to obey that spoiled brat; as Stella pulled Bloom into the palace. Less then an hour later, Sky was now in a meeting with his princess's new family.

"How dare she put Bloom in such danger, Stella needs to be delt with once and for all!" the Countesss stated in anger as the other two nodded. Sky knew Bloom loved her friends but they put her in grave danger every time. Chimera first hated Stella for being the Princess, the oldest, the most beutiful one but now the hate turned into a whole new leavel since the Fairy of the Sun put her new baby sister into situations that could kill her.

"I may have a soulation to your problems?" said a voice from the window as a portal open up and the group looked at the man who smirked "My name is Valtor and I can help you!"

Hours later

"It's so nice to meet you both, Sky's told me so much about you both!" said Bloom happily as she was interduced to her magical guardian and her daughter. As she curtsey to them both Bloom could have sworn that she heard them coo at her. "It's so nice to meet you too Bloom and I hope we can become friends!" said Chimera happily in her red dress (Witch was the one Stella wanted to get during the begianning of the break that the Princess told her friend about) and asked her where she (Bloom) got her dress from;

 "It's so nice to meet you too Bloom and I hope we can become friends!" said Chimera happily in her red dress (Witch was the one Stella wanted to get during the begianning of the break that the Princess told her friend about) and asked her where s...

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*This is what Bloom is wearing*

"Oh um I found it in Magix a couple of months ago." said Bloom blushing as the Countess nodded, who was thinking 'I need to buy her so many dresses, but of the highest quality and one of kind creations. Only the best for my daughters!' Only then the ball started as King Radius welcome everyone. If only anyone knew that this ball would be....

...... One nobody would never forget!

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