Mother Knows Best~

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*This is the outfit Bloom's wearing in this chapter*

"Bloom darling you shouldn't be so gloomy don't forget you have a big day ahead of you!" Countess Cassandra said as she watch her daughter being dress by the palace maids for her big day; Bloom's first day back at Alfea.

"I know Mama and I have to look my best to show off to everyone else." said Bloom in a flat tone of voice before she turned her head away to role her eyes thinking 'I know she told me about being proper noble woman but how is it proper to call her Mama?' The Countess insisted that Bloom called her that name and Chimera had even told the younger girl to call the raven head 'Big Sis', it was so embarrassing.

Bloom wasn't upset about that but of what King Radius order, he told the court and the plant's citizens that Luna and Stella were dead because of the monster, before ordering if anyone saw the creature it was to be killed on site. He even order Solaria palace guards to go with Bloom to school for her own protection saying that with now Chimera being his new heir and Bloom was the heir after her. Witch didn't make sence to Bloom since she was the Countess's ward but she still didn't get all the new rules about the Magic Dimension so the poor fairy thought nothing of it.

'I haven't even been able to tell girls the news with how hectic the last week has been' thought the Fairy of the Dragon Flame as the maids finally finished getting her dress. Another thing the fairy raised on Earth wasn't used to was THERE WASN'T EVEN ANY PRIVACY ANYMORE!!!! Literally after she called the girls, Bloom went on a walk in the Palace's Maze but got lost, by the time she got out in was night time and everyone was out looking for her. Cassandra and Radius thought someone broke into the palace to kidnape Bloom or even kill her just 'like' Stella was.

Countess Cassandra and King Radius then order the guards and maids to always to be around her at all times no matter what, even when she was asleep. Bloom soon snapped out of her thought as Chimera pulled her into a hug whinning about her little sister being to far from her as the King's laughs filled the room.

"Chimera don't worry you'll be seeing Bloom soon since we our having a royal ball in a few weeks time!" said the King happily no even griving over his ex-wife and daughter deaths, since Cassandra's spell transferred his love for his daughter to the two girls. Only it was more twisted and obsessive of Bloom's end of the bond, making Radius see her in the same light as the rest of the family. "Oh yes MY Princess Ball!!!" screetched the raven head knowing she was finally outshining Stella now, but Bloom smiled glum knowing Stella was most likely crying in sadness right now of the lost of both her parents. 

"Your majesties, it's time for Princess Bloom to head of for School" a butler said bowing soon in the doorway, after that Bloom found herself inside a armed hover car with her 'Mama'. "Now Bloom darling~" the Countess cooed rubbing the girl's cheek "You know mother knows best for your safety right? Your not upset with me sending you to school protect right?" Watching the girl shake her head she smiled before kissing Bloom's forhead telling the fairy she was a good girl. Thinking about how her happy family will be once that monster was gone, once and for all.

Meanwhile at Alfea

*This is how Alfea looks like*

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*This is how Alfea looks like*

"But Headmistress Faragonda were am I suppost to go?" Stella asked slamming her slimly hands on the desk as her teacher watched her in sadness. "Stella I don't know, but all three schools can't take you in since Solaria citizen are in them. With the death order on your head it's too dangerous with Bloom coming back with armed gurads." said the Headmistress sadle shaking her head knowing she failed to keep one of her peroius students safe.

"Faragonda! A ship from Solaria in now landing, Stella needs to go with Knut for now!" screamed Griselda running into the office with Knut behind her, soon the two elder fairies quickly open a portal to a forest as the two monster ran threw. Stella was scared as Knut pulled the poor ex-fairy into the deep dark woods on a plant thousands of light years away from Alfea.

"Is everything of Stella's hidden?" question the Headmistess as the duo quickly tried to hid the magic trall as loud footsteps came marching down the hallway. As her oldest friend and assistant heamistess nodded her head as Fariagonda sat down behind her desk once more, the door was open an standing their was Countess Cassandra holding a blushing in embarrassment Bloom's hand with a larged number of armed Solaria guards came storming in.

"Aww you most be my darling's Headmistresses, how nice to meet you!" said the Countess with a fake smile, knowing they somehow let that detested monster escaped but knew soon or later Stella would slip up. The two woman nodded their heads before they got to the matter at hand, as Bloom's Magical Guradian if Cassandra wasn't satisfided with Alfea's education she could pull the young fairy out of school.

 After half and hour they settle on Bloom's education plan that matched to eveything that Cassandra wanted ("Only the best for my little girl!" she said smiling for really at two woman as she played with Bloom's hair), also shocked to see the Countess babying Bloom and having the girl called the older woman 'Mama'. 

"Mama we shouldn't trouble them anymore after all you said you wanted to meet my friends?" said Bloom looking at the Countess with puppy dog eyes as she quickly stood infront of the headmistress desk, slipping the women a note in secret since the gurads and her 'Mama' were too bussy cooing at her too notic.

The Countess and the gurads soon left taking Bloom with them, Faragonda read the note and gasped in shock. "Faragonda what's wroung?" asked the strem teacher what trouble her older friend, Fragondra handed her the note that said; KING RADIUS SAYS STELLE AND HER MOM ARE DEAD, THAT 'MAMA' OLDEST DAUGHTER & I NOW THE HEIRS.

"Could that woman be behind this?" question Grissleda to the Headmistress, knowing now they might have a lead on who curse Stella but one thing they weren't sure on was why Countess Casandra spent so much time on trying to be a mother to Bloom and having her become a threat to Chimera's rule? 

*After the Countess left, 5 hours later*

"I can't belive it, Stella's father really declared them dead and killed by the monster aka Stella who is cursed?" Tecna, Flora, and Musa asked as they hanged out in the Fairy of the Dragon Flame's new room. Witch was Stella's but it now looked complety like her room in Solarian Palace, with pitctures of Sky, Cassandra, Radius and Chimera pictues all around it. Pitcures with spells that altered Sky and 'Mama' what was happening with their beloved princess.

"Yeah not only that but he made Chimera his heir and also named me as a princess of Solaria." sighed Bloom throwing her head back on a silk pillow "I mean I know he needs an heir now but .... it's like he dosn't even care about Stella or Luna!" "Maybe he's just hidd-" Flora started to say till Musa put her hand on the fairy of natures shoulder shaking her head.

"I don't think so Flora you heard what Bloom said, Radius acts like he's Chimera and her father." Musa said as Tecna nodded. The gorup was silent for a bit before she asked Musa why there was one less bed other then her own in their room. "You didn't hear about it? Aisha seems to be homeschooling this year." said Tenca said as Bloom gasped in shock, thinking 'I lost two friends now and I didn't even say goodbye.'

"Hey Bloom your phone's ringing!" Musa said pointing at the phone that Kiko was holding as it shooked, making the little guy go up and down. Picking it up she saw it was Sky so she as the girls for some space, as soon as the girls left she starting talking to her boyfriend. Unkowing to her Cassandra was watching her.

"Dear you shouldn't worry Bloom's safe." said Radius watching the woman he loved watching their youngest daugter, from the doorway of their bedroom. "I know dear but I just worry about Bloom maybe we should homeschool her instead." sighed the Countess as her loving husband-to-be pulled her into his arms as he kissed her forhead.

"But Cassandra don't forget, you know best." laughed the King as he smirked at his Queen-to-be as she sighed happily whispering 'Yes Mother's knows best for her little girl~"

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