Sky vistest HIS Bloom~ part 1

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"I SAID GO AWAY!" Bloom screamed as she threw a pillow at the door, witch was closed very fast as the maids rushed out of the girl's bedroom. It had only been 2 days and she HATTED it here, the maids kept cooing at her saying she was going to be the most beautiful girl at her christening and kept dressing her up in big puffy frilly dresses. The guards didn't take her seriously when she asked for her cellphone back to call her parents, only for them to laugh before saying her parents were just in the throne room before one went and got the King or Countess since they assumed that Bloom needed something. 

King Radius acted like Bloom and Chimera were his only children, and whenever the fairy of the Dragon Flame tried to speak about Stella he would changed the subject. Bloom even saw him telling the servants to clear out Stella's room and closets of everything since they know belong to the kingdom's new princesses. 

Don't even get her started on Countess Cassandra and Chimera, those two acted like Bloom couldn't even use magic. The two said she was too little for certent spells and even when she said she already had her Charmix fairy form, they basically said "Yes dear but one day you really will have that form".

The only thing that comfert Boom was kiko and the little song bird who somehow remind her of Stella, who she named Luna (witch somehow Cassandra question her on while glaring at the bird like somehow it was her fault) since the bird liked singing loveinly in the moonlight every night. 

Luna listen to Bloom never making a teen even when she started talking about Stella and saying she was now in hiding on some swamp plant with knut, since she couldn't stay at Alffia any longer because of that 'attack on sight' order on her head. She also told the bird about her life on Earth before finding out she was a fairy and what little she learned about her birth parents, witch wasn't a lot but she said it was something.

Luna listen to her daughter's friend, wishing more then anything to have the girl understand who she really was but she couldn't. 'If Chimera or even Cassandra found out that Bloom .... no no don't think like that.' the cursed queen thought as she shooked her (bird) head, not wanting to even think of the horrors that the two would cause.

Bloom soon went quite after speaking her mind to her pets, so she went outside to her balcony that over looked a beautiful part of the garden. She stayed out there for a while not even bothering to turn to look at her door, witch was being knocked on rapidly. "GO AWAY!" screamed the fairy loudly that it startled the animals.

The knocking did stop after a moment before the door was opened and someone walked into her room. Bloom thought it was king, Countess, or Chimera that walked in, since the maids would never go against her orders so she turned around to scream at the person before she saw who it was.

Sky was slowly walked towards her holding a small box in his hands, a soft smile on his face as he said "Hi Bloom, I'm back! You missed me?" The only thing she could think of doing was jumping on him and screaming "HOW DARE YOU I'LLLLLLLLLL KILLLLLLLLLL YOUUUUUUUUUUUUU!!!!!!"

To Be Counted.....

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