Phone call anyone?

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*Solaria Royal Palace*

"Bloom dear, Chimera and I are going out for a bit ok?" Countess Candara told her youngest daughter, who nodded her head looking up from her new textbooks from the up coming year. It had only been a week since the Princess Ball disaster, witch made Bloom worry about her friends but couldn't show it to not upset her Guradian since the Countess was so upset by it. The whole time since then Bloom was learning things about being a noble lady, also getting better accounted with the Chimera an Chimera.

As the Countess left the room Bloom quickly went for her phone and started to call Tecna, hoping Sky didn't call again. 'Sorry Sky but I need some time for myself.' thought Bloom since the Ball the prince had been calling none stop whenever Bloom had some alone time. "Pick up,  pick up!" as the phone finally picked up she heard her friend voice "Tecna it's me Bloom? Is Stella ok? What's happening?"

"Bloom! Thank god your ok, GIRLS IT'S BLOOM!!" soon she heard the other girls's, minus Aisha, voices. "Oh Bloom thank goodness your ok." cry Flora over the phone and Bloom assured them she was alright. " .... but Stella are you ok is the curse broken? Is Aisha back?" asked Bloom as the phone went silent from all chatter, but Bloom could hear Stella crying softly in the background. "Bloom hic I'm still a monster!!!! An no one hic has heard anything from Aisha or hic from Andros!!!" cried Stella as she heard Flora trying to comort her.

"It's bad Bloom, Stella's curse couldn't even be broken with the help of the Mirror of Truth, since it told us that the power was lent to the caster and the only way to break it now is to find the person behind it all." explain Musa over the phone till Stella came back on fearfully asking "My father is he alright? Dose he still hate me? What is the Countess and Chimera been doing all this time!?!?!"

"Stella calm down .... King Radius has put out a noticed that anything looking like you can't be allowed on Solaria or around it's people with a death order on sight. He also put a barrier up around the plant to block all monsters out. Cassandra has been spending her time between her duties teaching and getting to know me but also spening it with your father. The Countess has been even more worry for your safe return since your .... mom disappered." explain Bloom sadly as she told her friends over the phone the bad news, she then heard her friends gasp in shock.

"My Mom's missing! Since when?" demaned the cursed Princess of the Sun and Moon as Bloom answered a couple days after the Princess Ball. "But back up what do you mean no one can Aisha and Andros can't be heard from what's going on?" asked the fairy of the Dragon Flame worried for her other friend as Tecna saying no outside or inside calls could reach the plant since it's on lock down "Witch no one knows from how long."

"My father hates me, my Mother's missing, I'm stuck in this hideous form without my powers and now we can't reach Aisha." ranted Stella pacing back and forth till she heard from the other end "What do you mean no powers Stella?" Musa sighed before grabbing the phone "When you and Sky left us in the ballroom we all transformed expect Stella since whatever kind of curse she has is now blocking them out."

Meanwhile with the Countess and Chimera

"Mom how about that one!" said Chimera pointing at another necklace made with only gold in a leaf shape as the shop owner quickly brought it over to the Countess to look at. Since the moment they left the palace the pair had been shopping all day for not themselves this time ..... but for Bloom instead. "Good choice Chimera I think it will go well with her new fall fashion wardrobe." said the Countess as she finished buying the iteams before heading to the limo after she told her servents to bring them all to the palace.

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