Chapter 11

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"This way boys" Filch said as he lead Harry and Ron out of the castle "There was a time that serving detention meant hanging by your thumbs in the dungeon. Merlin do I miss the screaming."
Harry and Ron cringed at the sound of that. They were relieved to see Hagrid waiting for them outside the castle. "You'll be serving detention with Hagrid tonight. He's got a job to do in the Forbidden Forest." Filch said.

"Alright boys, something out there has been killing unicorns and drinking their blood. Unicorn blood has serious healing powers and can save someone from death even if they are in inch away from it. But it comes at a cost. They will live a cursed life, for slaying something so pure. So I gotta find em and put a stop to it." Hagrid explained. "And tonight yeh have to help."
So Hagrid, Harry, Ron, and Hagrid's boar hound, Fang, set off into the woods. As they were roaming the forest, Harry caught a glimpse of something shiny, a dark hooded figure was drinking a shiny liquid substance off the ground. Harry called "Hagrid, what is this?" But when Harry turned back around, the figure fled and Harry could now see that the silvery liquid was leaked out of a dead unicorn.

Hagrid looked at the creature and said "that is a dead unicorn." Harry replied "No, there something in a dark hood drinking the unicorn blood."
"Fang, go smell the unicorn and chase em down!" Hagrid yelled. But Fang could not pick up the scent. "Strange..." Hagrid wondered. Then he looked at his pocket watch and exclaimed. "We best be heading back to the castle. By the time we get there, your detention time will be over."


The next morning Harry wrote to Remus and Sirius
Dear Uncle Remus and Uncle Sirius,
I had to serve detention with Hagrid last night. We were in the forbidden forest trying to catch a creature drinking unicorn blood. I caught a glimpse of it, before it ran off. I have this strange feeling that it had something to do with Voldemort. I don't know what to do. I miss you both and can't wait to see you again. Love, Harry.

Two days later, Hedwig brought a reply during breakfast. It was in Remus's neat handwriting.

Dear Harry,
That is very strange indeed. We feel that the best thing to do would be telling Dumbledore. If Voldemort is indeed involved, Dumbledore will be able to protect you, and your safety is our top priority. There is a reason that Voldemort went after you went you were a baby, and Dumbledore knows it better than we do (we know some, but he knows more). Please stay out of trouble and don't leave the castle alone. Sirius and I are doing well and miss you too.
Love, Uncle Remus.

That night after class Harry went to Dumbledore's office. Once again he went up to the door and knocked on the Griffin Shaped knocker. "Enter" Dumbledore answered calmly. When Harry opened the door he saw Dumbledore working at his desk, his quill scribbling away. Harry waited quietly for a few moments until the quill stopped.
"Ah Harry, hello," Dumbledore said "What brings you here tonight?"

"I found something else and my Uncles said I should tell you."
"What have you found now?" Dumbledore asked curiously with a sly look in his eye.
"During detention with Hagrid, I caught a glimpse of whatever is drinking the unicorn blood. I got this strange feeling deep in my gut that it had to do with Voldemort. Do you know why I have these feelings? Is it right? What should I do?" Harry explained and asked.

"I do know why you have these feelings. When Voldemort attacked you as a baby, some connection was made between the to of you. So I suggest you trust your gut in those scenarios. I certainly trust what you are saying." Dumbledore said. Then there was a pause before Dumbledore spoke again. "Please be careful Harry. And trust your instincts. It's possible that Voldemort could try to find a way to come back, and my top priority is preventing that."
"Ok. How do you stop him?" Harry asked.
"That is not yet something you need to worry about. As long as I am here, you are safe,"Dumbledore said "Now, you may leave if you wish."
Harry stood there, thinking for a minute before saying "Good night Professor." "Good night Harry." Dumbledore replied.

After Harry had closed the door behind him he heard Dumbledore say something softly about "Flammel's Stone" before he walked away.
When Harry returned to the common room, he told Ron, Hermione and Neville about what Dumbledore said.
"Flammel's Stone..." Hermione repeated. "Why does that ring a bell?"

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