Chapter 15

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When Harry woke up, he saw Uncle Sirius sitting next to him, anxiously tapping his foot. Harry recognized that he was in the hospital wing. "Uncle Sirius," Harry said weakly.

"Oh thank Merlin, Remus, he's ok. Harry's awake!" Sirius exclaimed with a sigh of relief. Harry looked over and saw Uncle Remus in the bed on the left of him and Uncle Sirius was sitting in between them. Remus was sitting up, which meant that it had to be at least the middle of the afternoon. Harry had forgotten that the previous night was also a full moon.

"Harry, are you ok? We've been so worried!" Sirius cried.

Harry smiled weakly "I... I think I'm ok." he replied. "What happened?" Harry asked.
Sirius explained "Well, Hermione came into Minerva's quarters at about 3 o'clock in the morning and told her that you boys were all down in the chamber with the Sorcerers Stone. So Minerva summoned Dumbledore back at once and went down there herself with Snape and Flitwick. They magically deactivated the obstacles guarding the Stone, and found Neville struggling to stay awake with an unconscious Ron. They were brought back up, but Dumbledore was needed in order to get to you. When we arrived here at about 6:30 this morning, Dumbledore had just arrived and had gone down after you. Minerva explained that much to me at the time, and then Dumbledore brought you in. You looked terrible, and scared me half to death! But we trusted in Madame Pomfrey, for she knows her stuff, and we waited. Ron woke up late this morning with a few scrapes and bruises, but he was fine within a short while. Oh Harry! We are so glad you are ok!" Sirius started to tear up with relief.

Harry began to sit up as he slowly regained some strength.
Remus asked wearily, "Harry, what happened last night? Can you tell us what you remember?"

"Well, my friends and I figured out that the Sorcerers Stone was hidden here because Dumbledore was hiding it from Voldemort. So when we heard that Dumbledore was gone, I had this gut feeling that someone was going to try to steal the Stone for Voldemort. So, I followed my instincts and went down there to stop them. We used a trick Millie told me about to get passed Fluffy, and then Neville knew how to get past the Devil Snare, then I had to fly on a broom to catch a key, and Ron lead us through a giant game of wizards chess but then he sacrificed him self as the rest of us could go on, but Neville chose to stay with him. Hermione and I went on and found an stunned troll lying on the ground. Then Hermione was amazing and solved this crazy potion riddle and she was sent back and I had to go through the final room alone. And I saw Quirell looking in the Mirror that Dumbledore created. Except it wasn't just Quirell because Voldemort was on the back of his head. I stopped him from getting the Stone, but when I touched him, he fell apart, like something about was immune to him. But then everything went dark, and I don't remember anything until I just woke up now." Harry explained. "Please don't be mad..." he added.

"Harry we are not mad," Remus answered "we understand that there is something in you that can't help but clash with Voldemort. We were just scared for you and your safety. You are very important and so is your life, Harry, don't ever forget that."

"We love you, Harry," Sirius added "and always want you to come home to us." Sirius came to Harry and wrapped him in a big bear hug. When Sirius released him, Harry and Remus reached their handed out to each other and gave the other a tight squeeze for it was all either of them could manage in their current conditions.

Remus and Sirius stayed again that night, because they wanted to stay with Harry who was still recovering, not because they really needed too. The next morning, Dumbledore came and talked to them all.

"Good morning, gentlemen," Dumbledore said to them. "Imagine you all have many questions, so I'm here to answer what I can."

"What happened to the Stone?" Harry asked quickly.

"It has been destroyed. Nicholas and I agreed that it was for the best. There is no way that Voldemort can use it now." Dumbledore answered.

"Then Flammel, will die?" Harry asked.
"Yes, eventually. But Nicholas still has enough elixir to put his affairs in order, fear not." Dumbledore answered.

"What happened to Harry, before you brought him back here?" Remus asked.

"He faced Voldemort, in some sort of vaporous form. That took a great toll on Harry." Dumbledore answered.

"Why couldn't he touch me?" Harry asked.
"Because of your mother's sacrifice. By choosing to die and save you, she unknowingly activated an ancient magic called sacrificial love. This is why you have to spend some time at your Aunt Petunia's each year, to keep this magic alive, because of the kinship between your mother and her sister. As long as that bond exists, Voldemort cannot touch you without great harm to him. That kind of love leaves a mark."

Harry reached at his scar.

Dumbledore continued, "This kind of mark you cannot see. This protection lives inside you."
Harry starred in amazing.

"And does anyone else know about what happened?" Sirius asked.

"What happened between Harry and Professor Quirell was a complete secret. So naturally, the whole school knows." Dumbledore said. This received an eye roll from Sirius.

"Well unless you gentlemen have any other questions, I think I will return to my office to continue puts affairs back in order around here." Dumbledore said and turned to leave.

"Professor," Harry said.
"Yes?" Dumbledore replied.
"Thank you for saving my life." Harry said.
"Thank you for stopping Voldemort." Dumbledore said with a wink. Then he left.

Finally the school year came to a close, and the day where everyone took that train home had arrived.

Harry overheard Fred say "I can't believe we actually hit You-Know-Who in the face with snow balls!" to George.
"Promise you'll write?" Hermione asked the boys.
"Promise," Harry said.
"I can't wait for the next school year!" Neville said.
"Me neither," said Ron.
"Until then," Harry said.

End of book 4

Author's note
Thank you to everyone who has been reading this since the beginning, I sincerely hope that the end was worth the wait. I intend for this series to continue even if my posts are spuradic. I really hope you all enjoyed the story. Please continue to comment, I love reading all your comments. Book 3, The Chamber of Secrets: Raised by Moony and Padfoot will be up soon. I hope that story is able to get the same support this one has gotten, because I have a lot of ideas.

*Edit-Book 3 is up

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