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' You brought back something I left behind'

" BITCHHHHHHHHH" Jimin said causing Nirae to open her mouth wide in shock.

"OOOOHHHH Mommy Uncle Chimmy said a bad word so he gets the spankies" Nirae told her mother with a mischievous tone.

" Yes baby i will give him the spankies" Taehyung told his daughter with a teasing smile playing on his face.

He watched as his daughter was staring at him expectantly.

"Later Nini" he spoke while laughing causing the little girl to have a sad pout on her face cause she wanted to see him get spankies just like she would've if she said it.

She huffed and turned around going to her seat and finish watch youtuber on her mommy's phone but every now and then she would look up and see the way Soobin was cuddling her mommy and her pout will get deeper.

"BI- " seeing Nirae look up from the phone as if she was waiting to catch him again so he could get more spankies. "I mean Tae, that was him" he said looking at Taehyung's face  for confirmation.

"Yup" Tae said popping the p while looking down at Soobin to see the child sleeping peacefully he couldn't help but coo at the sight.

"Sooooooo how do you feel" Jimin said in a gentle tone not wanting the younger to feel pressured into answering.

" I don't know Chim" the younger answered but that was anything far from the truth he knew exactly what he was feeling but he just didn't wanna talk about right now.

" Ok but you know if you wanna talk about it I'm here for you" Jimin stated while giving the blue haired male one of his infamous eye smiles.

"Well shit let me go teach people kids I guess" Jimin exclaimed when saw more students coming inside of Taehyung's class. Luckily for him Nirae didn't hear that curse word he slipped in there.

"Lets go Nini you're in Uncle Chimmy' s class which is the best one obviously" Jimin said in a playful tone causing Nini to break out into a fit of giggles.

"HAHA bunny boy I'm in the best class" Nirae said while sticking out her tongue out at the boy who only snuggled deeper into Taehyung's neck not really caring about Nirae because he knew he won.

And with that Jimin and Nirae left the classroom leaving Taehyung and Soobin in a comfortable silence. Soobin just sat on Taehyung's lap enjoying the warmth he provided a type of warmth that he couldn't get from his actual mother.

"Soobin love you have to come off Tae Tae' s lap now class is gonna start in a few minutes" Taehyung said speaking as softly as possible not wanting to upset the little boy.

" O-ok but c-can I sit b-by TaeTae" he spoke cutely with his little stutters causing Taehyung to break out into a boxy smile he just couldn't get enough of the younger's cuteness.

"Of course you can sit next to me because you came earlier than everyone else you get special privilege's" Taehyung said enthusiastically making the little boys eyes sparkle at the thought of being the special one.

So that is where Soobin sat right beside Taehyung's desk he watch as his classmates strolled in some were crying cause they didn't want to let go of their parents.

Some parents were crying causing they didn't want to let go of their children.

Some children just came in the classroom with no parents.

He watched as TaeTae greeted all them with a smile which cause him to smile. He just loved TaeTae' s smile.

Seeing as it was only the first day they didn't do much work. They just did introduction to get to know each other better, but Soobin was really shy.

So when the other children went to their friends from the previous year to socialize. He just sat their and draw on a piece of paper TaeTae gave him.

He was peacefully coloring until he saw a shadow on his paper. Looking up he was greeted by a big brown eyes and wide smile staring back at him.

" Hi my name is Yeonjun" the unknown boy introduced putting out his hand for Soobin to shake. Soobin timidly stretched out his hand which Yeonjun happily took.

"M-my name i-is Soobin" Soobin introduced with a blush on his cheeks.

" Well Soobin I hope that we could be best friends" Yeonjun said now taking a seat beside the ravenette sketch.

And that's how Soobin made his first friend, well technically second because his first friend was TaeTae.

And he had a smile on his face for the rest of the day because he had a very good first day, and on top of that he was moving today as well.

So when his Dad picked up after school today he will be going to his new home, at least that's what his Dad told him.

As the day came to an end his Dad came to pick him up and he waved his TaeTae goodbye.

Getting into the car he couldn't help but feel giddy to see his new home.

"Daddy are w-we going t-to the n-new house now" Soobin asked in a slightly impatient voice.

" Yes binnie but let's grab something to eat first" Jungkook spoke seeing as his wife was away on a girls trip and he hadn't hired any maids yet.

Settling with McDonalds they happily got nuggets cause how can you ever go wrong with nuggets.

They started driving and the drive consisted of them singing along to whatever played on the radio or when Soobin talked about what he did at school with TaeTae.

After about a thirty minute drive they finally reached the neighborhood Soobin couldn't help but open his mouth in awe seeing all the beautiful houses lined up on each side of the street.

Looking at the house number 69 he finally came to a stop. They had already sent the moving people in so the house was already prepared for them.

All they had to do was move in. 

Getting out of the car they two ravenette's just stood their admiring the house taking in the peacefulness of their surroundings.

"Mommy can I have the candy now pleaseeeeeeeee"  they heard an oddly familiar voice whine causing the two Jeons two turn their head in the direction the voice came from.

And there stood a whiny Nirae and irritated Taehyung/ TaeTae in front of the house across the street.

Well Happy Moving!


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Stay safe-LIN~

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