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' Chaos, chaos, chaos, chaos all around me'

Running to the back of the shop after hearing his daughter scream the male was quite frantic, but he was quite confused when he was met with a smiling  Nirae who was munching on a cookie nonchalantly.

"What's wrong" Taehyung said looking at his daughter her amber eyes glistening with pure innocence but there wasn't anything innocent about her scream. 

"Nothing" Nirae said grinning showing her boxy smile while continuing to eat her cookie.

"Then why'd you scream" Taehyung spoke out now crouching down to be eye level with his daughter who was sitting on the floor with her legs crossed for some odd reason.

"Because" Nirae said while shrugging her shoulders her curls bounced along with the action.

"Because what" Taehyung said with his eyebrow raised while taking a bite of the cookie his daughter had put in front of his lips.

"Because I wanted to get you away from the mean lady" she huffed out while remembering the woman's attitude towards her mommy.

"You didn't have to do that you know mommy can handle her" Taehyung said while flipping his hair making the girl giggle while her eyes squinted cutely nearly making them invisible, her laugh always reminded him of Jimin.

"But I'm suppose to protect you" Nirae said while bringing her hands up to cup Taehyung's cheek, now looking directly into her mother's light brown eyes, that she could swear sparkles.

"No I'm suppose to protect you" Taehyung said pecking the little girl's forehead while running his hand through her light brown curls.

"We can protect each other mama" Nirae said pecking her mommy's lips then squeezing his bread cheeks.

To caught up in their moment, they forgot they even had customers until they heard an obnoxiously loud knock on the door of the kitchen.

"Oh shit we have customers "Taehyung said before quickly getting up right before he was leaving he was stopped by a harsh hit on the back of their thigh.

"Ouch Nini what was that for" Taehyung said looking at his child with bewilderment.

"Because you said a bad word so you get spankies" Nirae spoke out matter a factly before walking out the kitchen leaving Taehyung there shocked.

Nirae came back after realizing her mommy was still in the back probably still shocked at the hit.

"Come we have customers" she said while pulling the male by his wrist feeling the bracelet he was wearing which was silver and had Nirae engraved in it.

Coming out the kitchen Taehyung was met with the sight of a pouty Soobin, frustrated Jungkook and angry Sunmi who was currently scolding Soobin about touching the candies.

"He can touch them" Taehyung spoke out he was just quite sick of the woman was just bringing down the aura of the shop and quite frankly getting on his nerves.

"What" She said snapping her head away from Soobin to look at Taehyung who was currently wiping Nirae's mouth with a baby wipe with nonchalance.

"I said he can touch the candies, he doesn't need to be scolded for that" Taehyung continued not even looking up at the woman.

"Well I don't want him to" Sunmi said while rolling her eyes once again Jungkook was just silent not knowing what to say.

"Then how is he suppose to pick what candy he wants if he can't touch them" Taehyung said annoyed but this time he raised his head up from Nirae to look at Sumi.

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