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' She's my baby, I can't lose her'

Jess is back, and Taehyung was fine, absolutely fine, it wasn't like the woman was going to come for Nirae right? No, no way, she didn't want children, so she wouldn't want Nirae, right?

But even if she wanted Nirae back she couldn't have her because legally Nirae is Taehyung's daughter, but still he had seen some cases where when the biological mother comes back, that the courts would give the child to her, simply because she was the mother.

Not because she was the better parent for the child.

Taehyung would absolutely die if that happens because he knows that Jess isn't any good for Nirae, hell Jess isn't good for herself, so what can she do with a child besides destroy them, and Taehyung would never let that happen to Nirae, never.

" Tae aren't you gonna say something" Lisa said while sitting down on the picnic  blanket that was laid out while plopping some grapes into her mouth while staring at the man, who was staring at the man who was looking at his child.

What would he do if he lost her?

He wouldn't know what to do with himself, Nirae is his life, God gave her to him in one of the darkest times in his life, he don't know where he would be without his precious baby.

" I don't know what to say Lis, I'm scared what if she wants Nirae back, and so close to her birthday too" Taehyung sighed while taking a cupcake out of his cake box and passing it to Jimin who smile excitedly took it but still was trying to listen, but the cupcake was just so good.

" I doubt it, but even if she does, we would just fight through it, like the  we always do" Lisa said holding the man's soft hands in her's making him sigh.

The two's bond was so strong that even when they were in that place, that they were always there for one another, no matter what.

" Ok let's change the topic, when was the last time you got some" Lisa bluntly asked making Taehyung's cheeks go red, Aaron was so good to him, more than Jungkook ever was.

But it was just something that the male had that had Taehyung tied to him, live some invisible string that kept him there even when he wanted to leave, he had all these great options that brought him happiness but he wanted the one that brought him pain.

What was wrong with him? He honestly couldn't figure it out, but he knew that him and the ravenette were so young, they didn't have themselves figured out as yet, and he wasn't saying that to excuse his actions, but he understood.

He understood why the man did what he did, even though it wasn't right, he understood, He was too understanding sometimes.

" I got some two days ago" Taehyung said sipping on some wine Jimin had brought, the pair just looking at him with smirks on their face.

" From Aaron or Jungkook" Jimin asked in all seriousness making Taehyung hit him on his thigh making him whine sadly and rubbing his thigh slowly.

" What the fuck, can't even ask a question around this bitch" Jimin said taking another bite of his cupcake pouting making Lisa laugh at the man's actions, but she is very vocal of her disliking of Jungkook.

" Now why the fuck would I be with Jungkook two days ago, Chim use your head" Taehyung said while looking back at his daughter who had a bright smile on her face as he slid down the slide making him smile just as wide as her.

" That don't mean nothing, I see the tension between you too" He shrugged placing his head on the mother's lap bringing the man's hand to his head so he could play with it.

" You lucky, Jennie ain't give me no pussy in weeks" Lisa whined while taking one of the cookies that Taehyung brought moaning at the taste on her tongue, but all she could see was her friends laughing at her.

" You don't know pain until you're married to two people, and you're not getting no dick" Jimin whined placing his face in Taehyung's stomach, something Nirae and Jungkook loved to do making him frown at the memory, and just run his hand through Jimin's hair.

" No bruh, I've been so horny and Jennie wouldn't even look at me, I don't know why she's so mad, and she's not talking to me" Lisa whined grabbing another cookie and stuffing it in her face with a pout.

" Well why don't you talk to her, hmm"  Taehyung said taking off guard pictures of Nirae changing it to his wallpaper with a grin on his face, he loves his daughter so much, he doesn't how he could live without her.

" I tried, she just being so secretive, I think she's cheating" Lisa said taking a big gulp of the wine straight from the bottle making both Jimin and Taehyung look at her with wide eyes.

" No, she would never" Taehyung defended while shaking his head Jimin nodded his head in agreement looking at Lisa who just sighed, she knew that when she was in the camp Jennie had a boyfriend, and that thought alone had hurt her, the insecurities were always there.

" I know, I just need to know what's wrong" Lisa spoke while running her hands through her silky hair, Taehyung looked over to the kids to a giggling Nirae running towards him with open arms.

" Mommy" She yelled while pushing Jimin off Taehyung's lap so she could sit on it, making Jimin scoff playfully but the little girl was only focus on her mother.

" Can I have some water please" she said panting a bit hands playing with Taehyung bracelet as she waited for her water, and quickly thanked her mother when he gave it to her, taking big gulps.

Taehyung could only look at his daughter with admiration and love, the little girl is his, and no one is going to change that.

No one.


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