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' The good and the bad, they are the memories we keep'

"No" Taehyung said while icing a chocolate cake for one of his client's birthday. Yes clients I mean Taehyung does have a passion for teaching but he also has one for baking that's why he opened up a nice pastry shopped/candy store called V's treats.

And he absolutely loved both of his passions.

Oh back to the reason why Taehyung was saying no, Nirae was currently begging him to get a chocolate off the shelf in the front of the store.

"But mommy I ate all my veggies last night like you said" Nirae whined while poking her mother's bare thigh seeing as the male was wearing shorts.

"Ugh fine" Taehyung said remembering the deal they both made last night causing the little girl to excitedly clap her hands and run to the front.

"But only one" He yelled knowing how sneaky his daughter was..

"Yes mommy" Nirae yelled back through giggles excitedly looking for a chocolate to pick. Finally choosing a milk chocolate bar and went back to her mommy.

After finish icing the cake taking started cutting strawberries and putting it on top of the cake putting some in his mouth and Nirae's who was sitting on her high chair watching him closely while nibbling on her chocolate.

After Taehyung finished his final adjustments to the cake he snapped a quick picture of it then boxed it, and called his client saying that it's ready for pick up.

Seeing as today was Saturday, Taehyung was planning to spend the day at his shop and just enjoy it.

"Nini you wanna help me bake some cookies" Taehyung asked, after Nirae's nightmare the male has been determined to spend a lot more time with her.

"Yes Mama" Nirae said excitedly before hoping off of her high chair and going to Taehyung with grabby hands making the male pick her up and press kisses all over her face causing her to giggle and peck his face right back.

"I love you momma" Nini said with a big smile.

"I love you bubba" Taehyung said softly before giving one more peck to her nose and place her on the counter.

"Ok now lets bake some cookies" Nirae spoke with excitement and clapping her chubby little hands.

"Which type though" Taehyung said with a pout it was something he unconsciously did when he was in deep thought.

"Red velvet" Nirae said missing them, it was a while since her mother made her some and to say the girl was excited to eat them was an understatement her mouth watered just at the memory.

"Ok first let's get out some brown eggs" Taehyung said getting all the ingredients he needed to make the cookies.

He firstly put all of his dry ingredients into one bowl and gave them a nice mix with the help of Nirae.

He then put his wet ingredients into a bowl and then mixing the inside the mixer.

After that he put both the wet and dry together and let them mix up until he saw a slightly thick consistency of a dark red mix.

Once it finished mixing he got an ice scream scoop and starting scooping them into medium sized balls and let Nirae placed them on the pan.

Once he was done he started to add little chocolate chips inside of the mix with a playful Nirae sneakily taking some of them out of the packaging.

Once Taehyung finally finished with putting them on the pan he gave Nirae the spoon he used and the bowl so she could eat the left over batter which was absolutely her favorite part of baking with her momma.

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