Ch. 2 - Work All Day, Party All Night

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One bang. I turn over.

Two bangs. I sink further into the sheets.

Three bangs. I groan.

Then, there's silence. I smile to myself until I hear the command.

"Open the door Mina or so help me," Blaise threatens. "I know you're in there."

I groan again and get out of bed, rubbing my eyes and yawn. It's seven in the morning and I'm still adjusting to the ridiculous time change here.

"I'm coming, Blaise." I pull open the door to reveal Blaise holding a bag of donuts and two coffee cups.

"Morning." He smiles, letting himself through the entrance way of my home and places the contents of our breakfast on the counter.

"God, you're worse than Renée." I rub my eyes again and sit on my couch. Blaise laughs as he gives me my coffee.

"Yeah but at least I'm way cuter than her." He laughs some more, sitting beside me as I sip the coffee slowly, rejoicing in my head that I have something better to wake me up.

"It's a new day with new adventures and of course I'm going to show you more about New York today too." Blaise smiles wide and triumphant, like a super hero in a cheesy sixties classic film or something.

"And you couldn't wait to get me up, huh?" I scoot closer to my pillow and set the coffee down, laying down and closing my eyes.

"Nope. Because today we're going to the Zoo and then to a bistro for lunch and then clubbing." Blaise catches my attention as he talks about the adventures we'll share for the day. I frown as I try to remember if I've ever been to a zoo before.

"I had you at clubbing, didn't I?" He laughs. I shove him a little, getting up and walking over to get the donut bag.

"Nope, you had me at zoo. What time does it open?" I ask with a big smile, handing him a donut hole. He pops it in his mouth as I do the same, savoring the sweet taste and then drinking more coffee.

"At nine. So you better get up. I want to be there right when it opens." Blaise, always in his suit, smiles and fixes the jacket. I smile and take two more donut holes, leaving him to watch tv or something.


"Wow! It's even bigger than the San Diego Zoo!" I say sarcastically and laugh as we enter the zoo. I'm not actually sure which zoo is bigger but both are well known.

"You've been out of the city of Los Angeles? What a shocker," Blaise counters sarcastically. It's a bit ironic too given as though I moved across the nation in order to leave my mother and yet I've moved back. Far enough away but still too close for comfort.

"Yeah, whatever. What's your favorite exhibit here?" I walk beside him in this heat. It's amazing how he isn't even sweating a droplet. I'm starting to think he really is some super hero from the sixties.

"I really like the koala exhibit." Blaise chuckles as we walk around the different closed cages of the reptiles. I've never been a fan of those exotic animals so seeing them sort of freaks me out. To save myself, I look around the walls and the other things on display.

"Why koala's?" I ask as we exit the reptiles and into the amphibians. Another exhibit I have never been too fond of.

"Not sure. But I know I'm nothing like them." Blaise smiles as we reach that fork in the road where we can see the aquatic mammals, the jungle animals, or airborne animals. Blaise takes my hand leading us to the aquatic mammals. I wonder for a moment if he thinks the koala's are better than him. But better at relaxing? Blaise shows quiet the example on relaxing and goofing off. So what could it be?

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