Ch.18 Saved

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"That's a low, even for you, Kat." I recognize that voice to be Casey's.

"What ... what are you doing here?" Kat asks in sheer horror and I try to look but Peter pins me down, the needle pointed right for my neck.

"I've come here to bring you back to your senses, Kat." Casey is talking to her and I can hear Kat's shoes leave Peter and I.

"But you left me." She mutters. "You left me, for her!"

Her voice echoes in this tunnel we're in and I can hear Casey trying to console her and as she's doing that, Peter looks at me with such cruel eyes, I begin to cry.

"That's right, cry you little bitch. You don't even know the half of why this is happening to you." Peter is dangerously close to touching my neck with the needle until I see a figure over us and a swift kick lands in Peter's side. He rolls over and groans while Kat screams. I squint my eyes and Erika kneels down quickly, untying the ropes around my wrists.

"Why you little-."

"I don't think so." Blaise socks him right in the jaw which knocks him out and Casey is holding Katarina back from trying to run. "I just called the cops before coming down here. They'll be here in minutes."

He shakes his hand from the blow and smiles triumphantly at Peter.

"Thank you," I say and tears fall. "Thank you so much."

I look to everyone who came to save me and cry in my hands. Erika rubs my back while I cry and soon, I laugh. I look up and laugh and everyone has a confused look on their faces.

"It's just ironic that you tell me to be careful and then all of a sudden, I'm kidnapped and saved." I state and look to Katarina.

"It would have worked had we known about the other phone I'm sure you have." Katarina huffs and we hear voices of cops giving commands, coming into the tunnel and cuffing both Peter and Katarina.

"That was quick thinking to use your work phone as a dummy and text anyone you could on your actual phone." Blaise smiles as Erika helps me up. A cop comes up to all of us and gets our statements which takes longer than expected.

When I notice Casey staring at Katarina being read her rights, I walk over to her and she just sighs.

"Had I known what she was doing ... had I just paid more attention ... I could have ... I could have prevented this ..." she looks up and then looks at me. I place my hand on her shoulder and smile.

"I'm just grateful no one got seriously hurt." I reply and she nods. "Thank you for coming. I know you didn't have to."

"It was the least I could do." She smiles and looks behind me. I look and Erika watches me with a small smile. "I'd go to her if I were you."

I nod my head, thanking her again for the help and walk over to Erika. Blaise leaves us now too and it's just her and I in the mess that is now behind us.

"Are you still glad fate brought us together?" Erika asks, her arms around me now. I cling to her and smile, shaking my head which confuses her.

"I'm grateful fate brought us together and back together." I pull her to me and kiss her roughly at first and then we gently kiss, caressing each other's lips.


After some weeks of interrogations and plenty of questions answered at work, I was finally given a formal apology from my colleagues and boss for the accusations they believed they'd heard. We even threw a party for me but I'm still unsure what the theme of the party is.

"I'm so sorry I didn't believe you," Wendy says guiltily with Suzy nodding right behind her. "Peter was just so convincing."

"I heard on the news that he's classified as a real psychopath! I mean that's scary knowing we were working with someone like that let alone you were having to deal with that sort of thing." Suzy looks to me apologetically and I just smile.

"So long as he is locked up and put away for good, I'm fine." I smile and I remember they had put Katarina in a psych ward too because she had suicidal tendencies, was depressed, and built an almost different personality altogether. The thought of her sends me chills but I feel a warm and familiar hand on my hip.

"No matter what, she'll always be protected." Erika kisses my temple and I smile, leaning into her arms. Wendy and Suzy swoon at the sight of her and I can't help but finally relax and feel at ease with my relationship and life. I begin to feel a little queasy and look for the bathroom.

"You ok?" Erika asks and I nod but I can't say anything. I feel like I'll throw up if I open my mouth. I hurry from her arms and hear my name being called out but I can't turn back. I hurry into the bathroom and run right into a stall, throwing up into the toilet.

"Madelina!" Erika is behind me, standing at the door of the bathroom and then I feel her rubbing my back with her hand. "Are you ok?"

"I think I ate something funny." I wipe my mouth but I'm not done. I throw up again and wonder what it could be. A stomach virus?

"You don't think ...?" Erika trails off and my eyes widen shaking my head.

"That's impossible though." I whisper more to myself.

"It would make sense." Erika is cautious when she speaks and when I finish, I flush the toilet and wipe my mouth with the toilet paper and go to wash my mouth. I look at Erika through the mirror and when she makes eye contact with me, she smiles. "If you are ... I wouldn't be mad."

"No?" I ask and I can feel my face turn bright red. Erika holds me from behind and kisses my shoulder.

"You know I've always wanted a family." She mutters on my shoulder. "So even if it isn't ours from some surrogate, it's yours and I'll love it all the same."

I smirk and wash my hands.

"This seems too easy." I test and tease her as she shakes her head.

"Honestly, we need easy after the shit we've put ourselves through. I don't care how it comes, I'm just happy." She rests her forehead on mine after I've dried my hands and we laugh.

"We'll go to the doctor this weekend then and figure things out." I get her approval and we join the party again, excited for what our future will bring.

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