Ch.7 - Blaise's POV

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Hana and I are in a meeting, talking about this falls model lists. I notice Erika's name is listed for the winter shoots. Maybe I can convince Hana to not have Mina edit the article or have anything to do with her. Ever since we got to New York, Hana has been making Mina work harder than she actually needs to.

But why? What could she be planning and making Mina do all the things she would normally do? I glance over at Hana and notice a pixie haircut cutie walking by. I glance behind Hana and see Mina talking to Wendy as they pass the hall.

Mina has been a dear friend for the last three or four months now. With the whole drama about Erika and Casey, I took it upon myself to make sure Mina isn't alone and sad. But I can't help feeling something more for her. Something that I swore to myself I wouldn't feel for everyone's sake.

"Pay attention." Hana scowls as I watch Mina leave and I face Adam as he talks about the line of clothes that will be supplied from one of the designers.

Damn that Erika. Damn her to hell. She ruined Mina's smile and laugh. Mina doesn't seem like herself at all and I know why. Who the hell does she think she is anyways? Walking around like she can just pick up any cute girl and dump her just because Katarina dumped her!

I slam my fist on the table, causing everyone in the room to look at me with bewilderment. I flush and stand up. 

"I'm sorry, I need some fresh air." I step out of the chair and hear Adam chuckle.

"Are all these girls making you flustered, pretty boy?" He teases but I'm in no mood. I smirk though.

"No, but I don't need all those girls. I got your mom on her knees already." I laugh as he chucks a pencil case at the door, missing me by a hair.

I walk down the hall, towards Mina's office, feeling my heart race. Why the hell is my heart beating so fast? I see Mina through the glass window. She's working on something and as much as I hate disturbing her, I love talking to her.

I knock on the door and wave. She smiles and opens the door.

"Well look who finally decided to bother me," she says with a sweet chime in her voice. I have to laugh as I enter the neatly organized, slightly OCD looking office.

"Yeah, I was getting tired of sitting so I decided to bother you." I answer as I look at the vase of flowers.

"Who's that from?" I scowl at it, seeing the note attached.

"Take a large guess." She answers without even looking. She must find it as strange as I do that this vase is here.

"Starts with a 'C'." I turn to face her as she taps her nose to indicate I'm right and we both have the same idea.

"Why her though?" I can feel anger flash through my head as I step away from the flowers.

"Peace treaty I guess?" She answers and sits on her chair.

"Need a massage?" I tease as she laughs and shakes her head.

"I just need to get this stuff done by the weeks end or else Hana will have my head." Mina runs her fingers through her hair as I glance over at the papers.

I look at her for a long moment and notice how beautiful she looks when she's a little stressed and focused. Her hair looks a hell of a lot better short but I do also like it long too. If she wasn't such a close friend to me and hung up over Erika, I would have asked her out by now. But I can't jeopardize our friendship for selfish needs. That's what Erika did and I'm not Erika.

"Are you happy here?" I ask and catch her off guard.

"What do you mean?" She asks as I shrug.

"Are you happy in New York." I state as she shrugs.

"It's different but I need different and I am happy here. I mean I actually miss some people in L.A. but I can't help but be happy to have met who I've met and that includes you." She smiles timidly and bites her lip. I can feel a heat coming from deep within me that I had no idea I had and quickly walk around the desk and away from her.

"I gotta get back. But I'm glad you're happy." I give her my best and most charming smile I can give her, making her flush. I smirk with satisfaction and hurry into the nearest and out of sight bathroom.

I lean against the cool wall and look at myself in the mirror. My sharp grey suit looks good but I fix my hair and rub my eyes. Something's different about me. I tighten my tie and lick my lips.

What's so different about me? I lean over the sink counter and look into my green eyes. It's like I've found a light in them like Mina has in hers.

Something's different. But what could it be?

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