Ch. 12- Attempted Revenge

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As you guys may have noticed (unless you're reading this for the first time) I've done some heavy changes to this since the demand for Erika x Mina is so high. This chapter will be pretty R rated so it is advised that if you do not like what you read in the beginning, do not feel obligated to finish the chapter. There is a moment between Erika and Mina I highly recommend reading, with different POV's and as much drama as I can muster up but again, don't feel obligated to finish it. Keep reading. Thanks!


Katarina's POV

I notice Peter walking into the cafe I told him to meet me at. He's easy enough to manipulate with his mind set on ruining Madelina Denzo's career. I'm more set on ruining her psyche. Get to the core and break her. Make her beg for my forgiveness for stealing my Casey and my Erika. Soon, Madelina should have gotten her pretty flowers that I sent to her through Casey and had Peter sneak in to deliver it. When he reaches the table, I stand up to embrace him.

Although I don't like men, I have to pretend I do and act the part as we kiss. That's his drive. At the end of the day. He just wants to bang and so do I. But if I bang him, he's under my spell and I can get him to do anything I ask.

"Were the flowers dropped off?" I ask as we sit across from each other. The cafe here is in upstate, about thirty minutes from his job and the hotel Casey and I are staying at. So it's low key and hidden.

"Yes, I saw her read the note and set it aside," he says and nod my head. The waiter takes his order as I plot our next move.

"When do we get to lure her out and kidnap her?" He asks very quietly as I look around. Sometimes he can be a real idiot. But I pat my hand on his and smile as warmly as I can without wanting to kill him myself.

"Soon, soon. First, we have to pin Erika and Madelina against each other. I can do that very easily." I explain and he nods.

"While you'll be sabotaging her work and take credit for picking up after her." I continue as he smiles to the thought.

"I want her to pay for taking that job position and leaving me with this lame fucking job I got." He growls and gulps his beer down.

"And she will pay. But we have to play this right. She's on her guard so we have to get close enough so no one, not even she, will notice." I look around me again. I feel so paranoid right now. Like Casey knows my plans and followed me here.

"She'll pay." Peter murmurs. "And I'm going to do so many things to her. It'll be enough to satisfy me."

He wears an evil, deadly smile, as I sit quietly, brooding over our plan to make Madelina ever regret the day she was born.


Peter's POV

After my lunch with Katarina, I sit in the uber car I ordered and tap my finger on my knee. That damn bitch thinks she can just manipulate me. I know when I'm being duped and if there's anyone who's going to be fucked with, it's everyone else except me. Mina can go fuck herself too. She stole my job, gets all this praise like she's the best writer in the world, and I got this damn job too, but no one said anything about me going to the lamest department on the level.

I used to really be into Mina too. I used to imagine how I'd fuck her so good and sweet. Make her want more of me and who knows, it may have all worked. But now, I want to fuck her in bad ways. In ways that'll make her scream. I want Mina so bad I can't have anyone else. Katarina is nice, but she just doesn't have that ... umpf I'm looking for.

I arrive back to work and see her discussing the background choice I picked originally to be looked at for that Latin American actress on 'Modern Family' or whatever the fuck and scowl as I walk by. Nothing is good enough for that bitch!

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