Ch.16- July

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"I am not excited for this." I groan as we step up to give the flight attendant to give our tickets. Blaise smirks and holds both of our luggage's. Thanks to me being "handicapped" we get to go in first. And not just first, but first class to a little flight up north.

"It'll be fun. Trust me." Blaise assures me as we enter the tunnel. We hobble down and enter the plane. We're greeted by talking flight attendants who smile our way and most especially at Blaise as we take a seat.

"Can I get the window?" I ask him as he puts our luggage's up top.

"Wouldn't it be easier to be in the walkway so if you have to get up you won't trip over me?" He asks as I shake my head.

"It would, logically, but I already went to bathroom and the flight literally won't take as long as you know so I'm fine. I want to look out of the window." I insist as he sighs and steps out of my way. It's easier, but not recommended, to walk on the brace but I do with ease.

"I can't wait until I get this thing off." I smile and buckle up as he hands me the crutches. I hide it protectively from anyone getting any harm from it though I can only imagine one of the-

"Ma'am, if you don't mind, as a safety precaution we're going to have to keep that up at the cockpit, is that alright?" She has bright green eyes and honey blonde hair. Blaise pays no mind to her as I simply smile and hand her my crutches.

"That's the first thing we're going to do. I bet your dad will be happy to see you." Blaise looks at me as I nod my head. Successfully, he survived the surgery but he's going to this family event and I'm not sure how everything is going to go down. Dad and moms husband number whatever have never gotten along.

"It'll definitely be interesting to see our whole family together." I sigh as he places his hand on my knee.

"Well if it's any consolation, my place isn't much better. When Ruby and I come back it's as if the whole family died. No one breathes or speaks until we go into another room so we just don't go back." Blaise smiles as he sympathizes with me.

"Thank you, I feel much better. But why is that? I can understand Ruby, but why you?" I ask as he shrugs.

"I'm too ... what's the word they said? "Advanced for their times", is the nicer way of putting it." He explains briskly as the airplane is full of buzzing words and movement around us.

"But what makes you so advanced? You sound like Superman or someone of the future." I frown as he laughs.

"Superman? I guess since he's so alien to the humans it'd make sense. See, because I had a desire to leave the farm and go to the city, it's like leaving the ways of the old and starting new. And those new ways aren't liked with the old so to come back is like coming back as a stranger." He explains further.

"So nothing bad happened to you?" I ask as he shrugs.

"There's always someone in the family you don't get along with. Mine would have to be my dad." He sighs, looking at me with kind eyes. Hearing all of this about him makes me want to know more.

"Tell me more. I want to know everything." I blush as he laughs. I swat his arm but he laughs more. This is a good distraction. After my dinner with Casey, it let me see a different side to her and really empathize for her about the break up. But I want nothing to do with Erika until she gets her act together so until then I'm done. I've even ignored her texts and calls because I'm tired of the excuses. I know that eventually I'll need to talk to her but I don't need the added stress.

"You're a curious one, aren't you?" He asks but I don't answer him. He smiles a charming smile and the flight attendant begins to go over safety rules and emergencies.

The Model: Part TwoWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt