Ch.6 - Casey/Katarina's POV

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One month after Mina's departure.

Casey's POV

"Let's take a trip!" Katarina smiles and walks into our room from the bathroom. She effortlessly rolls her hair up into a bun, dressed in her light blue silk robe, looking at me from the bed.

I've finally sat up, fixing my eyes as I nod my head. A vacation would do us some good. For a while, Katarina was acting suspicious. I still don't know what about but I don't want to talk about it. And that whole scene where she and I so happened to meet at Mina's office building before she left, scared the shit out of me. I didn't think she'd be there and I'd been found out. But she played it cool and I followed along with her little plan to make Erika jealous and that made me laugh when I saw the look on Erika's face.

"Where to?" I look at her, watching as she inches closer to the bed and then gets on the cushions, standing on her knees.

"Not sure. We can try the tropics? Or perhaps Europe?" She suggests as I shrug.

"Anywhere is perfect with me." I shrug and watch her crawl on her knees towards me. Her breasts hang through the robe as it gets slightly undone. I place my hand on her shoulder and watch her face turn from confusion to worry.

"What's the matter?" She asks and sits up on the bed. I get out of the bed and shake my head.

"I have business to do today and can't be distracted." I say almost coldly as I head into the bathroom. "You can pick the place to go, ok?"

I turn to see her body still sitting on the bed. She slowly turns to face me with a smile on her face and nods her head. I know she's sad that I rejected her. I never reject her. But Mina has been on my mind since last month and something about Katarina's character lately has me suspicious to where I don't really want to touch her.

I give her a smile of satisfaction and enter the bathroom, shutting the door behind me quietly. I know it's my fault that I'm distant towards her but what the fuck? Mina has done nothing for me but reject me. So why do I take it as a challenge and want to pursue her?

I shake the feeling and go to take a shower.

Katarina's POV

Ever since I sent Madelina those flowers and pretended to be Casey, I've noticed she's being a lot more uptight and quiet. Even our sleep is more quiet than usual and it's starting to make me wonder if she still loves me or wants Madelina. I'm not sure that Casey is under suspicion of my actions but I have a feeling that she is and that's why she's been distant. I have to be more careful.

"You can pick the place to go, ok?" Casey asks. My back is still to her as I muster up the best smile I can give. I turn to face her and nod my head with a smile. She gives me a satisfied look and turns away, going to shower.

I sit there, on the bed. For a moment there is eerie, heavy silence in the air. A nauseating feeling growing in the pit of my stomach. A small and sad feeling in my heart. For a simple moment, I feel unwanted by yet another person. Why is it me that has to be unwanted? Ever since I was a child ...

No! I slam the horrid thought down and hug myself. I look over at the closed door in the bathroom and get up. I want to enter the bathroom and please Casey but she rejected me once and I can't handle yet another one.

I go to get dressed for my lunch meeting with my photographer and fix my hair. It's all because of that Madelina girl. She's the one to blame. I could care less about Erika now. But she's stealing my Casey. She's the one who's going to have to pay for this.

I dab my lips gently for a glossy touch and slip on my heels. Casey comes out and she's naked, drying her hair with her towel. I scan her body with hungry eyes as she smirks and gives me a nod of approval.

"You look nice today." She wraps the towel around her neck as I flush, patting down the pencil skirt.

"It's that lunch with Alfonze." I reply and go to get my heels on.

"Well, have fun." She answers without looking.

"I'll be back in time to make dinner." I add as I grab my handbag. She only nods with a frown forming on her face as she rummaged through her drawers for clothes and as I step towards the door.

"You'd look good in the grey suit and black tie." I suggest, standing by the door now.

"Thanks." She pulls out the dark grey tie, ignoring my suggestion. Almost like I'm some child not worth bring acknowledged. My heart breaks a little.

"I'll see you later, then." I look at her as her frown only deepens on her face and doesn't answer. Doesn't notice. Doesn't see that I'm trembling with fear that I may lose the one person who truly makes me happy.

You'll pay for this, Madelina Denzo.

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