April 7th, 2015

Dear Delta,

Oops, shouldn't have written that in ink.

It's autocorrect.

Shit, it is on paper.

I can't use that excuse.

My pen slipped.

There that works, right?

It's been a while. I don't know why I didn't write. If I said I had a lot of stupid homework, I would sound like a totally different person, so I am going to stick with another more valid excuse.

I had writer's block and couldn't think of anything to write.

"A liar always knows when one is lying," you said once. Is it true? So you know. I just got out of telling you my biggest secret, byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee. Talk to you never. Just kidding I would bore myself to death.

I asked my mother the other day when you were visiting, and she said that you would be back for a few days in the summer after you go river rafting with some friends. I'm glad you have friends. Truly am. Even if I am slightly jealous. I'm glad you're happy. That's what really matters.

Although I do wish summer would come faster. It will come so slow. It is so pathetic how high my grades are. I mean now that I have extra time, that is the only thing I have to do. Boring. I'm turning into the people I always hated, who was obsessed with grades. My sister hates me now because my house no longer accepts any grade below a B-. things really have changed, you need to get back here and change them back. Move back, please! I miss you so much. More than you can imagine. It's like half of me is missing.

I miss you so freaking much. {I used my one swear word in an entry earlier}

Love ya,

write later hopefully, whenever I'm better. Gosh, Writer's Block should be a disease. If it wasn't a disease then I just made it one.


Lots O' Love


Until next time, don't forget to vote :)

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