Chapter 2

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Nell in Mm

Do you guys also want the other POVS besides Nell's and Damon's (ex. Charles, Yung, etc.) in this book like the first book? Let me know. I think it could be good to see what they're doing, but just checking.


Not paying too much mind to the Jeep Wrangler parked outside, I pushed my sweaty hands into the pockets of my sweatpants and walked up to her door. I was nervous to see her again. She still gave me butterflies like she did our sophomore year.

Taking a deep breath, I knocked on the door, then texted her letting her know I was there.

Nell: the door's open.

She texted back short, but I didn't pay it any mind. When I opened the door, I saw a light skin guy around my height stand up from the couch as though he was about to leave. Who the fuck was this? Was this my replacement?

He had a polished look to him. His hair was cut short and he wore a polo sweatshirt.

"Hey," Nell said walking up to me. She gave me side hug.

"Hey..." I said, still unsure who this dude was.

He scratched the back of his head. Nell read the situation; the awkwardness in the room. I wasn't jealous or nothing, but deep down inside of me I was hoping she wasn't seeing this dude. I know we're broken up but I wanted to try again with her and we talked about it too.

"Oh, Damon, this is Wallis," she said standing between the both of us.

"Wallis," he stretched his hand to shake mine with a smirk on his face.

"Damon," I said, but I didn't shake his hand. I gave him a fist bump instead with pursed lips.

I took a seat, scrolling on my phone while Nell walked him to the door.

"Uh, alright Nell, so I'll see you later so we can talk more about starting the org," he said.

"Sounds good to me. See you on campus," she said, then they said their goodbyes and he left.

Nell came and stood in front of me. She looked cute, wearing a pair of black leggings and a fitted sweater.

"Hey," I said looking up from my phone. Her arms were folded over her chest.

"Were you jealous?" she asked.

"Of who? Carlton from the Fresh Prince of Bellaire? Nah," I said.

Nell started laughing. She sat on the couch next to me and laid her head on my shoulder.

"That's why I fuck with you," she said smiling.

"I mean, you're single, and if that's your dude that's your dude or if you think he's cute or something, that's your right."

"No, he's not my dude Damon," she rolled her eyes playfully.

I let out a internal sigh of relief.

"Oh, who is he then?"

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