Chapter 4

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Wallis in MM
First day of school


Everyone got to their seats before our class started. While I waited, I texted Charles to find out where he'd be today.

This was our upper division computer science course and I was nervous to see what it entailed, but I was ready for the challenge. I sat next to Sanjeet and he dapped me up.

Sanjeet Patel

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Sanjeet Patel

"What's up man?" Sanjeet said.

"I'm good. How's it been with you?" I asked, taking my notebook from bag.

"Good, I decided to take a trip with the money we've made," he laughed.

"That's dope. Where'd you go?"

"Europe. It was fun. You should go check it out one time. Have you travelled before?"

"Not since I was a little kid. I've been to Puerto Rico, but that's it."

"You definitely need to go then," Sanjeet smiled. "Also, remind me I have to talk to you about something."

"Alright, bet," I said looking at him.

My mind was focused on traveling now that Sanjeet spoke about it. I've always wanted to travel, but we just didn't have the money before. Now I had the money and could make a way for myself.

Right before class was about to start, the doors at the side of the classroom opened and no other than Wallis, Nell's dude, walked in. I scrunched my forehead. What was he doing in this class? I've never seen this nigga in my life before Nell.

"You know that guy?" I asked Sanjeet.


I pointed over to where Wallis stood.

"Oh yeah, that's Wallis McDonald," he said.

First off, who still names their son Wallis?

"Has he always been here? Cause I've never had him in any of my classes before."

"No, he hasn't," Sanjeet whispered. "He's a transfer from Stanford. I met him through some friends the other day. Apparently he's a computer science wiz, trying to be the next Mark Zuckerberg."

Wallis was laughing and smiling with the guys he sat next to. I nodded. Was he playing when he talked to Nell about being a doctor?

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