Chapter 10

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"Umm, I-" I paused for a minute trying to think how this answer would change things for Nell and me.

The truth was, I messed up and slept with Wanda  after Nell and I broke up. I got carried away that night and made a mistake. The facts were, though, that I didn't want Wanda. I didn't want to be with her and I still don't.

"Damon? You good?" Nell checked in on me.

"Yeah, my bad, I'm good. And to answer your question, back when we you and I were just broken up, I didn't want to get back with Wanda. I still loved you."

I could see a small smile on Nell's face. My first instinct was to not add the extra about what happened that one night after Wanda and I celebrated our son's birthday. But I knew I had to be honest with Nell, especially if I wanted her to be my girlfriend.

"I still loved you too," she said.

I pursed my lips and gently stroked her hair feeling guilty. What would happen if she knew that not too long after we broke up that I slept with Wanda? My ex who was trying to break us up from the beginning.

"I want to be honest with you though, Nell. I-"

An alarm went off on her phone. She quickly pulled her phone out and stopped it.

"Sorry, I have a strict schedule tonight for my medical school exam studying. I've been slacking and need to get more strict with myself," she said.

"Oh, let me not hold you back then. We can talk again when I see you next time," I said.

Since I made my mind up to tell her now, it bothered me now for a second that there was this secret now between us that shouldn't have been a secret.

"Alright, sounds good." Nell smiled. "I really enjoyed being with you."

Nell sat up and we both hug. I leaned in for a goodbye kiss and she straddled me again turning me on once more. It was getting harder for me to wait.

"Woo wee," I said, laughing.

Nell giggled in response.

I walked her up to her apartment door, where we said our goodbyes again. She tiptoed and kissed me one more time as I wrapped my arms around her lower body.

I didn't want Nell to go, but I wanted to respect her time to study to get to her goals.

"I love you, Nelly," I told her as we hugged.

"I love you too, D."

We waved goodbye, then she went into her apartment. I walked down the stairs feeling conflicted by what happened. In my mind, I wished I had never slept with Wanda. I wanted to tell Nell today, but I didn't want her to get distracted from her studying cause it would be on her mind.

Getting to my Mercedes, I unlocked the car and got in. Y'all don't be mad at me, I promise I was gonna tell her.

Saturday evening

After finishing up some homework for class, I pulled up to the squad's apartment. One of the reason I didn't choose to live with them besides me coming up on this new money was that I still didn't fully trust Charles.

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