Chapter 8

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When I got back home, the place was quiet as it usually was. It was different not having roommates or even Charles to come back to talk to after a long day, but what could I say? I was growing up.

After turning on the lamp in my living room, I sat back on my couch exhaling. There was a smile on my face that wouldn't go away as I thought more about how tonight went with Nell. We told each other we loved each other again plus we shared our first kiss.

There was nothing that I wanted more than to be Nell's man again. Every time I spent time with her, she made me want her more and more. I was almost thinking about getting married after college and shit, but let's take this one step at a time.

The bottom line was, there was no other girl that I wanted to be with more than Nell. She was everything to me and she made me forget about the wrong that was going on in the world. Something about her made me happy and I didn't want to lose her ever again. I texted her right quick.

Me: I love you, Nelly ❤️

Before I got ready for bed, I called Wanda. She said she had something to tell me later that she didn't want to share in the moment. Wanda's ass was always gossiping about something or someone. I wasn't calling for the gossip though, I was calling cause I wanted to see how baby D was doing.

"Hello?" Wanda answered the phone.

"Ay, how's he doing?" I asked.

"He's good. His fever is going down a little. I'm taking him to my sister's place Friday cause I wanted to go out this weekend and I know you were going out too."

"Alright. I mean I ain't gotta go though. I can watch him if she can't watch him."

"Nah, she'll be fine," Wanda said.

"Alright, well tell her I said thanks."

"Will do."

There was a quick silence between us that I broke.



"What did you have to tell me earlier that you said you were gonna wait till later to tell me?"

"Oh, yeah..." she started. "I saw Nell with this light skin nigga in the student lounge. I don't know what they were doing, but they were sitting close and shit and he kept looking at her."

My heart dropped when she said that. I didn't want to believe what Wanda was telling me. Sometimes she created her own stories when nothing really was going on.

"You sure you saw that?" I asked.

"Yeah, I did. He was close up on her and shit."

"Oh. What did she do?" I didn't know what to say honestly. I trusted Nell, but it was honestly Wallis I didn't trust.

I bit my lip. Wallis was beginning to get on my nerves for real. I thought the nigga had a girlfriend?

"She just sat there. I don't know the details though, she seemed uncomfortable I think, but I couldn't really tell," Wanda said.

I released an internal sigh of relief.

"Alright, well thanks for letting me know," I told her.

"No problem, I got you."

Wanda and I said our goodbyes after we made plans for me to come to see baby D tomorrow before he went to stay with her sister. If Wallis thought he was going to get in good with Nell, he had another thing coming.

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