Chapter 6

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I miss writing 😭 enjoy!
Next day

"Tase, tell your man to stop interrupting my love life," I laughed nibbling on a fry.

"What he do?" she laughed.

"He came knocking on D's car window when we were about to kiss."

The girls gasped.

"Wait, what? You guys were going to kiss?" Monique held her chest.

"Mhm," I nodded shyly.

"Yes, girl! Get your man!" Chelle clapped.

We all cracked up.

"Are you guys going to the Kappa party this weekend by the way?" I asked.

"I'm not sure yet, I was thinking about it, but I'm already slumped with work," Chelle said.

"Same, but I may try to make it," Monique said.

"And you know I gotta go support Yung," Tasia smiled.

"We know," I laughed.

I still didn't fully trust Yung either. Last year he played way too many games for me to ever trust him. Although I felt the way I did, I tried not to let how I felt show whenever Tasia was talking about Yung. She deserved to be happy and if he said he changed and he was making her happy, then I couldn't be mad at it. I just wanted to make sure my best friend didn't get hurt again.

The girls and I finished up lunch and made light plans for the party on Saturday. After leaving the cafeteria, Tasia and I walked outside.

"Nell?" Tasia asked softly.

"Mhm?" I stopped, turning to my best friend.

"How do you feel about Yung?" she bit her lip.

"Umm, uh, I think he's cool," I said sticking my hands into my jeans pockets.

"Like for real for real?"

"Yeah, um, I think so."

I wasn't 100% about Yung, but like I said earlier, I didn't want to stop things for them if he was making Tasia happy.

"Okay," she let out a sigh of relief. "Because even though he's been going above and beyond...I-I still haven't been able to fully trust him since what happened with that girl last semester." Tasia rubbed her arm.

"I know what you mean," I told her. "It's hard to fully trust someone, but you'd just have to trust that he's being honest with you unless he gives you a reason to doubt him."

Tasia did a small smile.

"You're right," she said. "Thanks, Nell."

"Anytime, Tase."

My best friend hugged me and I hugged her back tightly. I felt the same with Damon previously. I knew Tasia and my situation were different, but I had similar feelings when it came to Damon and the bet.

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