Chapter 19

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*Elle's pov*

I woke up this morning and I totally forgot that I had Wooyoung chained up luckily he was still asleep but I don't know what to do with him I don't know if he should go back to Violet or not yet.

I wonder if I should let him sleep or not, but I do feel bad for him at the same time he's been through a lot and then ask couple of weeks he went to jail for no reason he's going to be a father I'm guessing the reason why he snuck out was because he has a lot to handle. I just feel bad I honestly don't know what he wants.

" good morning sleepyhead you finally woke up" I say to Wooyoung

" why am I chained up why do I feel like I'm in jail again are you going to torture me too" Wooyoung screamed

"No I'm not going to do anything like that" I say

"Why am I chained up then?" He questioned

"Because we know how you are Wooyoung, we know how you get when you try to run away from your problems you won't come back and you will do whatever it takes to leave"

"If you unchain me I promise I won't leave" he says

" Before I do that tell me why you decided to run away this time" I say

"I ran off so I can get some sleep and so I don't have to deal with Violet always needing something in the middle of the night I'm exhausted and I got back from work and after she screamed at me to take a shower and I just needed to sleep"  he shouted and started crying

"Ok I believe you I will unchain you and go back to Violet you had a good nights sleep go to her she needs you" I say

He didn't say anything afterwards he just nodded his head in and changed him he left and went back home.

*Wooyoung's pov*

Elle was right I should just go home Violet needs me and I need to understand that I am going to be a father now I can't be doing dumb and stupid shit all the time I have to focus on the baby and what is going on around me I can't just be all about me of what I want now.

I drove home and as soon as I walked in the door away there was Violet excited that I came home she gave me a big hug and kissed me on the lips after that I decided to take a shower so she doesn't scream at me again.

After I got done with my shower I got dressed and I saw Violet laying on the bed so I joined her.

"Where did you go?" She asked

"I just drove around town and then fell asleep and then I got kidnapped by Elle and the boys" I say

"Oh, I'm just happy you are back" she says as she hugged me and pulls me down into bed her laying on top of me and her kissing me on the lips.

It was a full on it and make out session at this point I'm just so happy that she is not that mad at me.

We both sat up her messing with my hair and my hand on her stomach and the baby was kicking.

I'm guessing that the baby is happy that I am back as well.

"We can start moving all of our stuff into our house since we officially got it now I can't wait for the baby to come and I also have a little surprise for you." I say pulling her into another hug

" oh I wonder what it could be the surprise and I am also happy that we can officially start moving in" she says

My parents came in the room and said that dinner was ready we both walked out and started eating and started talking to my parents and told them about the house and that we can start officially moving stuff in we are both very excited and can't wait and I also can't wait to surprise her with as well.

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